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Thomas J. Marini, M.D.

Thomas J. Marini, M.D.

Imaging Sciences

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About Me

Faculty Appointments

Assistant Professor - Department of Imaging Sciences (SMD)


Residency & Fellowship

Fellowship, Neuroradiology, University of Rochester Medical Center. 2022 - 2023

Residency, Diagnostic Radiology, University of Rochester Medical Center. 2018 - 2022

Internship, Transitional Year, St. Josephs Hospital and Health Center. 2017 - 2018


MD | University of Rochester. 2017


Best Fellow Teacher Award. 2023

Cum Laude Award for "The Big Brain Theory: A Review of Overgrowth Syndromes for the Neuroradiologist. American Society of Pediat. 2022

University of Rochester Department of Imaging Sciences Excellence Award. 2022

Roentgen Research Award. 2022

Holman Research Pathway Certificate. 2022

Award of Research Excellence at the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting 2021. 2021

American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) New Investigator Award. 2021

Certificate of Merit for "Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion for Neuroradiologists: The Essentials. American Society of Neuroradio. 2021

Introduction to Academic Radiology Scholarship, RSNA 2019. 2019

Certificate of Merit at the 2019 RSNA Conference for "The End of the Chest X-Ray Era? Lung Ultrasound for the Diagnostic Radiolo. 2019

Chair's Pick Educational Exhibit in Chest Radiology at the 2017 ARRS Conference for "A Systematic Approach to Venous Obstruction. 2017

Certificate of Merit at the 2017 RSNA Conference for "Test Your Knowledge: Imaging of the Benign Esophagus". 2017

Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. 2013

All University Honors, Binghamton University (4.0 GPA). 2012

Departmental Honors in Molecular Integrative Neuroscience. 2012


Journal Articles

a deep neural network for segmentation of volumetric sweep imaging ultrasound

Khaledyan, D; Marini, T; O'Connell, A; Meng, S; Kan, J; Brennan, G; Zhao, Y; Baran, T; Parker, K.

Mach Learn Sci Technol. 2024; .

The Big Brain Theory: A Review of Overgrowth Syndromes for the Neuroradiologist

Marini, T; Mistry, D; Jetty, S; Chaturvedi, A; Lin, E; Ellika, S.

Neurographics. 2023; : 257-271.

Enhancing breast ultrasound segmentation through fine-tuning and optimization techniques

Khaledyan, D; Marini, T; Baran, T; O'Connell, A; Parker, K.

UNet. PLoS One. 2023; .

Diagnosis of Pregnancy Complications Using Blind Ultrasound Sweeps Performed by Individuals Without Prior Formal Ultrasound Training

Toscano, M; Marini, T; Lennon, C; Erlick, M; Silva, H; Crofton, K; Serratelli, W; Rana, N; Dozier, A; Castaneda, B; Baran, T; Drennan, K.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023; .

Sustainable Volume Sweep Imaging Lung Teleultrasound in Peru: Public Health Perspectives from a New Frontier in Expanding Access to Imaging

Castaneda, B; Satheesh, M; Zhao, Y; Reategui-Rivera, M; Sifuentes, W; Baran, T; Kaproth-Joslin, K; Ambrosini, R; Rios-Mayhua, G; Dozier, A.

Frontiers in Health Services. 2023; .

No sonographer, no radiologist: Assessing accuracy of artificial intelligence on breast ultrasound volume sweep imaging scans

Marini, T; Castaneda, B; Parker, K; Baran, T; Romero, S; Iyer, R; Zhao, Y; Hah, Z; Park, MH; Brennan, G; Kan, J; Meng, S; Dozier, A; O'Connell, A.

PLOS Digit Health. 2022; .

Assessment of a Brief Standardized Obstetric Ultrasound Training Program for Individuals Without Prior Ultrasound Experience

Erlick, M; Marini, T; Drennan, K; Dozier, A; Castaneda, B; Baran, T; Toscano, M.

Ultrasound Q. 2022; .

Volume Sweep Imaging Lung Teleultrasound for Detection of COVID-19 in Peru: A Multicenter Pilot Study

Marini, T; Kaproth-Joslin, K; Ambrosini, R; Baran, T; Dozier, A; Zhao, Y; Satheesh, M; Reategui-Rivera, M; Siguentes, W; Rios-Mayhua, G; Castaneda, B.

BMJ Open. 2022; .

Breast Ultrasound Volume Sweep Imaging: A New Horizon in Expanding Imaging Access

Marini, T; Castaneda, B; Iyer, R; Baran, T; Nemer, O; Dozier, A; Parker, K; Zhao, Y; Serratelli, W; Matos, G; Ali, S; Ghobryal, B; Visca, A; O'Connell. A.

Journal of Ultrasound Medicine. 2022; .

Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion for Neuroradiologists: The Essentials

Marini, T; Mistry, D; Jetty, S; Wang, H; Lin, E; Almast, J; Ellika, S.

Neurographics. 2022; .

No Sonographer, No Radiologist: New System for Automatic Prenatal Detection of Fetal Biometry, Fetal Presentation, and Placental Location in Under-resourced Communities

Marini, T; Arryo, J; Saavedra, A; Toscano, M; Baran, T; Drennan, K; Dozier, A; Zhao, Y; Egoavil, M; Tamayo, L; Ramos, B; Castaneda, B.

PLoS One. 2022; .

BMJ Open Respiratory Research

Weis, J; Baran, T; Kan, J; Meng, S; Yeo, A; Zhao, Y; Ambrosini, R; Cleary, S; Rubens, D; Chess, M; Castaneda, B; Dozier, A; O'Connor, T; Garra, B; Kaproth-Joslin, K.

Free PMC Article. 2021; .

Cone-Beam Breast Computed Tomography: Time for a New Paradigm in Breast Imaging

O'Connell, A; Marini, T; O'Connor, D.

Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021; .

Testing telediagnostic right upper quadrant abdominal ultrasound in Peru: A new horizon in expanding access to imaging in rural and underserved areas

Marini, T; Oppenheimer, D; Baran, T; Rubens, D; Dozier, A; Garra, B; Egoavil, M; Quinn, R; Kan, J; Ortega, R; Zhao, T; Tamayo, L; Carlotto, C; Castaneda, B.

PLoS. 2021; .

Testing Telediagnostic Thyroid Ultrasound in Peru: A New Horizon in Expanding Access to Imaging in Rural and Underserved areas

Marini, T; Weiss, S; Gupta, Yu Zhao, Timothy Baran, Brian Garra, Ismat Shafiq, Daniel Oppenheimer, Miguel Egoavil, Rafael Ortega, Rosemary Quinn, Jonah Kan, Ann Dozier, Lorena Tamayo, Claudia Carlotto, & Benajmin Castaneda.

J Endocrinol Invest. 2021; .

New Ultrasound Telediagnostic System for Low Resource Areas: Pilot Results from Peru

Marini, T; Oppenheimer, D; Baran, T; Rubens, D; Toscano, M; Drennan, K; Garra, B; Miele, F; Garra, G; Jacobo-Noone, S; Tamayo, L; Carlotto, C; Trujillo, L; Waks, E; Garra, K; Egoavil, M; Berrospi, J; Castaneda,, B.

Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2020; .

Sternal-Sparing Approach for LVAD implementation Allows for a More Consistent Inflow Cannula Angle

Ayers, B; Marini, T; Wood, K; Kim, S; Croake, M; Bernstein, W; Storozynsky, E; Tallman, M; Cheyne, C; Barrus, B; Prasad, B; Gosev, I.

The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2020; .

Lung Ultrasound Volume Sweep Imaging (VSI) for Pneumonia Detection in Rural Areas: Piloting Training in Rural Peru

Marini, T; Castaneda, B; Baran, T; O'Connor, T; Garra, B; Tamayo, L; Zambrano, M; Trujillo, L; Carlotto, C; Kaproth-Joslin, K.

Journal of Clinical Imaging Sciences. 2019; .

Blood Finds a Way. Pictorial Review of Thoracic Collateral Vessels

Marini, T; Chughtai, K; Nuffer, Z; Hobbs, S; Kaproth-Joslin, K.

Insights Imaging. 2019; .

Pictorial Review of the Pulmonary Vasculature: From Arteries to Veins

Marini, T; He, K; Hobbs, S; Kaproth-Joslin, K.

Insights Imaging. 2018; .

The Best Measurement for Assessing Splenomegaly in Patients with Cirrhotic Liver Morphology

Nuffer, Z; Marini, T; Rupasov, A; Kwak, S; Bhatt, S.

Academic Radiology. 2017; .

Imaging of the Oesphagus: Beyond Cancer

Marini, T; Desai, A; Kaproth-Joslin, K; Wandtke, J; Hobbs, S.

Insights Imaging. 2017; .

Beyond Bronchitis: A Review of the Congenital and Acquired Abnormalities of the Bronchus

Marini, T; Hobbs, S; Chaturvedi, A; Kaproth-Joslin, K.

Insights Imaging. 2017; .

Telediagnostic Obstetric Ultrasound Without a Trained Sonographer in a Low-Income Peruvian Clinic

Marini, T; Toscano, M; Drennan; K; Baran, T; Kan, J; Garra, B; Dozier, A; Quinn, R; Ortega, R; Zhao, T; Egoavil, M; Tamayo, L; Carlotto, C; Castaneda, C.

BMC Pregnancy. .

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