Michael F. Rotondo, M.D.
Emergency & Trauma Surgery , General Surgery , Surgery
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Michael F. Rotondo, M.D.
View Contact & SchedulingAbout Me
Certified Specialties
Surgery (General Surgery) - American Board of Surgery
Faculty Appointments
Professor - Department of Surgery, Acute Care (SMD)
Residency & Fellowship
Fellowship, Surgical Critical Care, UPMC Credentials Verification Office. 1989 - 1990
Residency, Surgery (General Surgery), Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. 1985 - 1989
Internship, Surgery (General Surgery), Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. 1984 - 1985
MD | Georgetown University School of Medicine. 1984
Journal Articles
Jacobs LM, McSwain NE, Rotondo MF, Wade D, Fabbri W, Eastman AL, Butler FK, Sinclair J,
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.. 2013 June 74 (6):1399-400. Epub 1900 01 01.
Jacobs LM, McSwain N, Rotondo M, Wade DS, Fabbri WP, Eastman A, Butler FK, Sinclair J,
Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons.. 2013 June 98 (6):14-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Shiroff AM, Gale SC, Martin ND, Marchalik D, Petrov D, Ahmed HM, Rotondo MF, Gracias VH
The American surgeon.. 2013 January 79 (1):23-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lees JP, Poireau V, Tisserand V, Garra Tico J, Grauges E, Palano A, Eigen G, Stugu B, Brown DN, Kerth LT, Kolomensky YG, Lynch G, Koch H, Schroeder T, Asgeirsson DJ, Hearty C, Mattison TS, McKenna JA, So RY, Khan A, Blinov VE, Buzykaev AR, Druzhinin VP, Golubev VB, Kravchenko EA, Onuchin AP, Serednyakov SI, Skovpen YI, Solodov EP, Todyshev KY, Yushkov AN, Bondioli M, Kirkby D, Lankford AJ, Mandelkern M, Atmacan H, Gary JW, Liu F, Long O, Vitug GM, Campagnari C, Hong TM, Kovalskyi D, Richman JD, West CA, Eisner AM, Kroseberg J, Lockman WS, Martinez AJ, Schumm BA, Seiden A, Chao DS, Cheng CH, Echenard B, Flood KT, Hitlin DG, Ongmongkolkul P, Porter FC, Rakitin AY, Andreassen R, Huard Z, Meadows BT, Sokoloff MD, Sun L, Bloom PC, Ford WT, Gaz A, Nauenberg U, Smith JG, Wagner SR, Ayad R, Toki WH, Spaan B, Schubert KR, Schwierz R, Bernard D, Verderi M, Clark PJ, Playfer S, Bettoni D, Bozzi C, Calabrese R, Cibinetto G, Fioravanti E, Garzia I, Luppi E, Munerato M, Piemontese L, Santoro V, Baldini-Ferroli R, Calcaterra A, de Sangro R, Finocchiaro G, Patteri P, Peruzzi IM, Piccolo M, Rama M, Zallo A, Contri R, Guido E, Lo Vetere M, Monge MR, Passaggio S, Patrignani C, Robutti E, Bhuyan B, Prasad V, Lee CL, Morii M, Edwards AJ, Adametz A, Uwer U, Lacker HM, Lueck T, Dauncey PD, Mallik U, Chen C, Cochran J, Meyer WT, Prell S, Rubin AE, Gritsan AV, Guo ZJ, Arnaud N, Davier M, Derkach D, Grosdidier G, Le Diberder F, Lutz AM, Malaescu B, Roudeau P, Schune MH, Stocchi A, Wormser G, Lange DJ, Wright DM, Chavez CA, Coleman JP, Fry JR, Gabathuler E, Hutchcroft DE, Payne DJ, Touramanis C, Bevan AJ, Di Lodovico F, Sacco R, Sigamani M, Cowan G, Brown DN, Davis CL, Denig AG, Fritsch M, Gradl W, Griessinger K, Hafner A, Prencipe E, Barlow RJ, Jackson G, Lafferty GD, Behn E, Cenci R, Hamilton B, Jawahery A, Roberts DA, Dallapiccola C, Cowan R, Dujmic D, Sciolla G, Cheaib R, Lindemann D, Patel PM, Robertson SH, Biassoni P, Neri N, Palombo F, Stracka S, Cremaldi L, Godang R, Kroeger R, Sonnek P, Summers DJ, Nguyen X, Simard M, Taras P, De Nardo G, Monorchio D, Onorato G, Sciacca C, Martinelli M, Raven G, Jessop CP, Losecco JM, Wang WF, Honscheid K, Kass R, Brau J, Frey R, Sinev NB, Strom D, Torrence E, Feltresi E, Gagliardi N, Margoni M, Morandin M, Pompili A, Posocco M, Rotondo M, Simi G, Simonetto F, Stroili R, Akar S, Ben-Haim E, Bomben M, Bonneaud GR, Briand H, Calderini G, Chauveau J, Hamon O, Leruste P, Marchiori G, Ocariz J, Sitt S, Biasini M, Manoni E, Pacetti S, Rossi A, Angelini C, Batignani G, Bettarini S, Carpinelli M, Casarosa G, Cervelli A, Forti F, Giorgi MA, Lusiani A, Oberhof B, Paoloni E, Perez A, Rizzo G, Walsh JJ, Lopes Pegna D, Olsen J, Smith AJ, Telnov AV, Anulli F, Faccini R, Ferrarotto F, Ferroni F, Gaspero M, Li Gioi L, Mazzoni MA, Piredda G, Bünger C, Grünberg O, Hartmann T, Leddig T, Schröder H, Voss C, Waldi R, Adye T, Olaiya EO, Wilson FF, Emery S, Hamel de Monchenault G, Vasseur G, Yèche Ch, Aston D, Bard DJ, Bartoldus R, Benitez JF, Cartaro C, Convery MR, Dorfan J, Dubois-Felsmann GP, Dunwoodie W, Ebert M, Field RC, Franco Sevilla M, Fulsom BG, Gabareen AM, Graham MT, Grenier P, Hast C, Innes WR, Kelsey MH, Kim P, Kocian ML, Leith DW, Lewis P, Lindquist B, Luitz S, Luth V, Lynch HL, MacFarlane DB, Muller DR, Neal H, Nelson S, Perl M, Pulliam T, Ratcliff BN, Roodman A, Salnikov AA, Schindler RH, Snyder A, Su D, Sullivan MK, Va'vra J, Wagner AP, Wisniewski WJ, Wittgen M, Wright DH, Wulsin HW, Young CC, Ziegler V, Park W, Purohit MV, White RM, Wilson JR, Randle-Conde A, Sekula SJ, Bellis M, Burchat PR, Miyashita TS, Puccio EM, Alam MS, Ernst JA, Gorodeisky R, Guttman N, Peimer DR, Soffer A, Lund P, Spanier SM, Ritchie JL, Ruland AM, Schwitters RF, Wray BC, Izen JM, Lou XC, Bianchi F, Gamba D, Zambito S, Lanceri L, Vitale L, Bernabeu J, Martinez-Vidal F, Oyanguren A, Villanueva-Perez P, Ahmed H, Albert J, Banerjee S, Bernlochner FU, Choi HH, King GJ, Kowalewski R, Lewczuk MJ, Nugent IM, Roney JM, Sobie RJ, Tasneem N, Gershon TJ, Harrison PF, Latham TE, Band HR, Dasu S, Pan Y, Prepost R, Wu SL,
Physical review letters.. 2012 November 21109 (21):211801. Epub 11/19/2012.
Lees JP, Poireau V, Tisserand V, Garra Tico J, Grauges E, Palano A, Eigen G, Stugu B, Brown DN, Kerth LT, Kolomensky YG, Lynch G, Koch H, Schroeder T, Asgeirsson DJ, Hearty C, Mattison TS, McKenna JA, So RY, Khan A, Blinov VE, Buzykaev AR, Druzhinin VP, Golubev VB, Kravchenko EA, Onuchin AP, Serednyakov SI, Skovpen YI, Solodov EP, Todyshev KY, Yushkov AN, Bondioli M, Kirkby D, Lankford AJ, Mandelkern M, Atmacan H, Gary JW, Liu F, Long O, Vitug GM, Campagnari C, Hong TM, Kovalskyi D, Richman JD, West CA, Eisner AM, Kroseberg J, Lockman WS, Martinez AJ, Schumm BA, Seiden A, Winstrom L, Chao DS, Cheng CH, Echenard B, Flood KT, Hitlin DG, Ongmongkolkul P, Porter FC, Rakitin AY, Andreassen R, Huard Z, Meadows BT, Sokoloff MD, Sun L, Bloom PC, Ford WT, Gaz A, Nauenberg U, Smith JG, Wagner SR, Ayad R, Toki WH, Spaan B, Schubert KR, Schwierz R, Bernard D, Verderi M, Clark PJ, Playfer S, Bettoni D, Bozzi C, Calabrese R, Cibinetto G, Fioravanti E, Garzia I, Luppi E, Munerato M, Piemontese L, Santoro V, Baldini-Ferroli R, Calcaterra A, de Sangro R, Finocchiaro G, Patteri P, Peruzzi IM, Piccolo M, Rama M, Zallo A, Contri R, Guido E, Lo Vetere M, Monge MR, Passaggio S, Patrignani C, Robutti E, Bhuyan B, Prasad V, Lee CL, Morii M, Edwards AJ, Adametz A, Uwer U, Lacker HM, Lueck T, Dauncey PD, Mallik U, Chen C, Cochran J, Meyer WT, Prell S, Rubin AE, Gritsan AV, Guo ZJ, Arnaud N, Davier M, Derkach D, Grosdidier G, Le Diberder F, Lutz AM, Malaescu B, Roudeau P, Schune MH, Stocchi A, Wormser G, Lange DJ, Wright DM, Chavez CA, Coleman JP, Fry JR, Gabathuler E, Hutchcroft DE, Payne DJ, Touramanis C, Bevan AJ, Di Lodovico F, Sacco R, Sigamani M, Cowan G, Brown DN, Davis CL, Denig AG, Fritsch M, Gradl W, Griessinger K, Hafner A, Prencipe E, Barlow RJ, Jackson G, Lafferty GD, Behn E, Cenci R, Hamilton B, Jawahery A, Roberts DA, Dallapiccola C, Cowan R, Dujmic D, Sciolla G, Cheaib R, Lindemann D, Patel PM, Robertson SH, Biassoni P, Neri N, Palombo F, Stracka S, Cremaldi L, Godang R, Kroeger R, Sonnek P, Summers DJ, Nguyen X, Simard M, Taras P, De Nardo G, Monorchio D, Onorato G, Sciacca C, Martinelli M, Raven G, Jessop CP, Knoepfel K, Losecco JM, Wang WF, Honscheid K, Kass R, Brau J, Frey R, Lu M, Sinev NB, Strom D, Torrence E, Feltresi E, Gagliardi N, Margoni M, Morandin M, Posocco M, Rotondo M, Simi G, Simonetto F, Stroili R, Akar S, Ben-Haim E, Bomben M, Bonneaud GR, Briand H, Calderini G, Chauveau J, Hamon O, Leruste P, Marchiori G, Ocariz J, Sitt S, Biasini M, Manoni E, Pacetti S, Rossi A, Angelini C, Batignani G, Bettarini S, Carpinelli M, Casarosa G, Cervelli A, Forti F, Giorgi MA, Lusiani A, Oberhof B, Paoloni E, Perez A, Rizzo G, Walsh JJ, Lopes Pegna D, Olsen J, Smith AJ, Telnov AV, Anulli F, Faccini R, Ferrarotto F, Ferroni F, Gaspero M, Li Gioi L, Mazzoni MA, Piredda G, Bünger C, Grünberg O, Hartmann T, Leddig T, Schröder H, Voss C, Waldi R, Adye T, Olaiya EO, Wilson FF, Emery S, Hamel de Monchenault G, Vasseur G, Yèche Ch, Aston D, Bard DJ, Bartoldus R, Bechtle P, Benitez JF, Cartaro C, Convery MR, Dorfan J, Dubois-Felsmann GP, Dunwoodie W, Ebert M, Field RC, Franco Sevilla M, Fulsom BG, Gabareen AM, Graham MT, Grenier P, Hast C, Innes WR, Kelsey MH, Kim P, Kocian ML, Leith DW, Lewis P, Lindquist B, Luitz S, Luth V, Lynch HL, Macfarlane DB, Muller DR, Neal H, Nelson S, Perl M, Pulliam T, Ratcliff BN, Roodman A, Salnikov AA, Schindler RH, Snyder A, Su D, Sullivan MK, Va'vra J, Wagner AP, Wisniewski WJ, Wittgen M, Wright DH, Wulsin HW, Young CC, Ziegler V, Park W, Purohit MV, White RM, Wilson JR, Randle-Conde A, Sekula SJ, Bellis M, Burchat PR, Miyashita TS, Alam MS, Ernst JA, Gorodeisky R, Guttman N, Peimer DR, Soffer A, Lund P, Spanier SM, Ritchie JL, Ruland AM, Schwitters RF, Wray BC, Izen JM, Lou XC, Bianchi F, Gamba D, Zambito S, Lanceri L, Vitale L, Martinez-Vidal F, Oyanguren A, Ahmed H, Albert J, Banerjee S, Bernlochner FU, Choi HH, King GJ, Kowalewski R, Lewczuk MJ, Nugent IM, Roney JM, Sobie RJ, Tasneem N, Gershon TJ, Harrison PF, Latham TE, Puccio EM, Band HR, Dasu S, Pan Y, Prepost R, Wu SL,
Physical review letters.. 2012 November 9109 (19):191801. Epub 11/09/2012.
Lees JP, Poireau V, Tisserand V, Garra Tico J, Grauges E, Palano A, Eigen G, Stugu B, Brown DN, Kerth LT, Kolomensky YG, Lynch G, Koch H, Schroeder T, Asgeirsson DJ, Hearty C, Mattison TS, McKenna JA, So RY, Khan A, Blinov VE, Buzykaev AR, Druzhinin VP, Golubev VB, Kravchenko EA, Onuchin AP, Serednyakov SI, Skovpen YI, Solodov EP, Todyshev KY, Yushkov AN, Bondioli M, Kirkby D, Lankford AJ, Mandelkern M, Atmacan H, Gary JW, Liu F, Long O, Vitug GM, Campagnari C, Hong TM, Kovalskyi D, Richman JD, West CA, Eisner AM, Kroseberg J, Lockman WS, Martinez AJ, Schumm BA, Seiden A, Chao DS, Cheng CH, Echenard B, Flood KT, Hitlin DG, Ongmongkolkul P, Porter FC, Rakitin AY, Andreassen R, Huard Z, Meadows BT, Sokoloff MD, Sun L, Bloom PC, Ford WT, Gaz A, Nauenberg U, Smith JG, Wagner SR, Ayad R, Toki WH, Spaan B, Schubert KR, Schwierz R, Bernard D, Verderi M, Clark PJ, Playfer S, Bettoni D, Bozzi C, Calabrese R, Cibinetto G, Fioravanti E, Garzia I, Luppi E, Munerato M, Piemontese L, Santoro V, Baldini-Ferroli R, Calcaterra A, de Sangro R, Finocchiaro G, Patteri P, Peruzzi IM, Piccolo M, Rama M, Zallo A, Contri R, Guido E, Lo Vetere M, Monge MR, Passaggio S, Patrignani C, Robutti E, Bhuyan B, Prasad V, Lee CL, Morii M, Edwards AJ, Adametz A, Uwer U, Lacker HM, Lueck T, Dauncey PD, Mallik U, Chen C, Cochran J, Meyer WT, Prell S, Rubin AE, Gritsan AV, Guo ZJ, Arnaud N, Davier M, Derkach D, Grosdidier G, Le Diberder F, Lutz AM, Malaescu B, Roudeau P, Schune MH, Stocchi A, Wormser G, Lange DJ, Wright DM, Chavez CA, Coleman JP, Fry JR, Gabathuler E, Hutchcroft DE, Payne DJ, Touramanis C, Bevan AJ, Di Lodovico F, Sacco R, Sigamani M, Cowan G, Brown DN, Davis CL, Denig AG, Fritsch M, Gradl W, Griessinger K, Hafner A, Prencipe E, Barlow RJ, Jackson G, Lafferty GD, Behn E, Cenci R, Hamilton B, Jawahery A, Roberts DA, Dallapiccola C, Cowan R, Dujmic D, Sciolla G, Cheaib R, Lindemann D, Patel PM, Robertson SH, Biassoni P, Neri N, Palombo F, Stracka S, Cremaldi L, Godang R, Kroeger R, Sonnek P, Summers DJ, Nguyen X, Simard M, Taras P, De Nardo G, Monorchio D, Onorato G, Sciacca C, Martinelli M, Raven G, Jessop CP, LoSecco JM, Wang WF, Honscheid K, Kass R, Brau J, Frey R, Sinev NB, Strom D, Torrence E, Feltresi E, Gagliardi N, Margoni M, Morandin M, Posocco M, Rotondo M, Simi G, Simonetto F, Stroili R, Akar S, Ben-Haim E, Bomben M, Bonneaud GR, Briand H, Calderini G, Chauveau J, Hamon O, Leruste P, Marchiori G, Ocariz J, Sitt S, Biasini M, Manoni E, Pacetti S, Rossi A, Angelini C, Batignani G, Bettarini S, Carpinelli M, Casarosa G, Cervelli A, Forti F, Giorgi MA, Lusiani A, Oberhof B, Paoloni E, Perez A, Rizzo G, Walsh JJ, Lopes Pegna D, Olsen J, Smith AJ, Telnov AV, Anulli F, Faccini R, Ferrarotto F, Ferroni F, Gaspero M, Li Gioi L, Mazzoni MA, Piredda G, Bünger C, Grünberg O, Hartmann T, Leddig T, Schröder H, Voss C, Waldi R, Adye T, Olaiya EO, Wilson FF, Emery S, Hamel de Monchenault G, Vasseur G, Yèche Ch, Aston D, Bard DJ, Bartoldus R, Benitez JF, Cartaro C, Convery MR, Dorfan J, Dubois-Felsmann GP, Dunwoodie W, Ebert M, Field RC, Franco Sevilla M, Fulsom BG, Gabareen AM, Graham MT, Grenier P, Hast C, Innes WR, Kelsey MH, Kim P, Kocian ML, Leith DW, Lewis P, Lindquist B, Luitz S, Luth V, Lynch HL, MacFarlane DB, Muller DR, Neal H, Nelson S, Perl M, Pulliam T, Ratcliff BN, Roodman A, Salnikov AA, Schindler RH, Snyder A, Su D, Sullivan MK, Va'vra J, Wagner AP, Wisniewski WJ, Wittgen M, Wright DH, Wulsin HW, Young CC, Ziegler V, Park W, Purohit MV, White RM, Wilson JR, Randle-Conde A, Sekula SJ, Bellis M, Burchat PR, Miyashita TS, Puccio EM, Alam MS, Ernst JA, Gorodeisky R, Guttman N, Peimer DR, Soffer A, Lund P, Spanier SM, Ritchie JL, Ruland AM, Schwitters RF, Wray BC, Izen JM, Lou XC, Bianchi F, Gamba D, Zambito S, Lanceri L, Vitale L, Martinez-Vidal F, Oyanguren A, Ahmed H, Albert J, Banerjee S, Bernlochner FU, Choi HH, King GJ, Kowalewski R, Lewczuk MJ, Nugent IM, Roney JM, Sobie RJ, Tasneem N, Gershon TJ, Harrison PF, Latham TE, Band HR, Dasu S, Pan Y, Prepost R, Wu SL,
Physical review letters.. 2012 September 7109 (10):101802. Epub 09/06/2012.
Lees JP, Poireau V, Tisserand V, Garra Tico J, Grauges E, Milanes DA, Palano A, Pappagallo M, Eigen G, Stugu B, Brown DN, Kerth LT, Kolomensky YG, Lynch G, Koch H, Schroeder T, Asgeirsson DJ, Hearty C, Mattison TS, McKenna JA, Khan A, Blinov VE, Buzykaev AR, Druzhinin VP, Golubev VB, Kravchenko EA, Onuchin AP, Serednyakov SI, Skovpen YI, Solodov EP, Todyshev KY, Yushkov AN, Bondioli M, Kirkby D, Lankford AJ, Mandelkern M, Atmacan H, Gary JW, Liu F, Long O, Vitug GM, Campagnari C, Hong TM, Kovalskyi D, Richman JD, West CA, Eisner AM, Kroseberg J, Lockman WS, Martinez AJ, Schalk T, Schumm BA, Seiden A, Chao DS, Cheng CH, Doll DA, Echenard B, Flood KT, Hitlin DG, Ongmongkolkul P, Porter FC, Rakitin AY, Andreassen R, Huard Z, Meadows BT, Sokoloff MD, Sun L, Bloom PC, Ford WT, Gaz A, Nagel M, Nauenberg U, Smith JG, Wagner SR, Ayad R, Toki WH, Spaan B, Kobel MJ, Schubert KR, Schwierz R, Bernard D, Verderi M, Clark PJ, Playfer S, Bettoni D, Bozzi C, Calabrese R, Cibinetto G, Fioravanti E, Garzia I, Luppi E, Munerato M, Negrini M, Piemontese L, Santoro V, Baldini-Ferroli R, Calcaterra A, de Sangro R, Finocchiaro G, Patteri P, Peruzzi IM, Piccolo M, Rama M, Zallo A, Contri R, Guido E, Lo Vetere M, Monge MR, Passaggio S, Patrignani C, Robutti E, Bhuyan B, Prasad V, Lee CL, Morii M, Edwards AJ, Adametz A, Marks J, Uwer U, Lacker HM, Lueck T, Dauncey PD, Behera PK, Mallik U, Chen C, Cochran J, Meyer WT, Prell S, Rubin AE, Gritsan AV, Guo ZJ, Arnaud N, Davier M, Derkach D, Grosdidier G, Le Diberder F, Lutz AM, Malaescu B, Roudeau P, Schune MH, Stocchi A, Wormser G, Lange DJ, Wright DM, Bingham I, Chavez CA, Coleman JP, Fry JR, Gabathuler E, Hutchcroft DE, Payne DJ, Touramanis C, Bevan AJ, Di Lodovico F, Sacco R, Sigamani M, Cowan G, Brown DN, Davis CL, Denig AG, Fritsch M, Gradl W, Hafner A, Prencipe E, Bailey D, Barlow RJ, Jackson G, Lafferty GD, Behn E, Cenci R, Hamilton B, Jawahery A, Roberts DA, Simi G, Dallapiccola C, Cowan R, Dujmic D, Sciolla G, Cheaib R, Lindemann D, Patel PM, Robertson SH, Schram M, Biassoni P, Neri N, Palombo F, Stracka S, Cremaldi L, Godang R, Kroeger R, Sonnek P, Summers DJ, Nguyen X, Simard M, Taras P, De Nardo G, Monorchio D, Onorato G, Sciacca C, Martinelli M, Raven G, Jessop CP, Knoepfel KJ, Losecco JM, Wang WF, Honscheid K, Kass R, Brau J, Frey R, Sinev NB, Strom D, Torrence E, Feltresi E, Gagliardi N, Margoni M, Morandin M, Posocco M, Rotondo M, Simonetto F, Stroili R, Akar S, Ben-Haim E, Bomben M, Bonneaud GR, Briand H, Calderini G, Chauveau J, Hamon O, Leruste P, Marchiori G, Ocariz J, Sitt S, Biasini M, Manoni E, Pacetti S, Rossi A, Angelini C, Batignani G, Bettarini S, Carpinelli M, Casarosa G, Cervelli A, Forti F, Giorgi MA, Lusiani A, Oberhof B, Paoloni E, Perez A, Rizzo G, Walsh JJ, Lopes Pegna D, Olsen J, Smith AJ, Telnov AV, Anulli F, Cavoto G, Faccini R, Ferrarotto F, Ferroni F, Gaspero M, Li Gioi L, Mazzoni MA, Piredda G, Bünger C, Grünberg O, Hartmann T, Leddig T, Schröder H, Voss C, Waldi R, Adye T, Olaiya EO, Wilson FF, Emery S, Hamel de Monchenault G, Vasseur G, Yèche Ch, Aston D, Bard DJ, Bartoldus R, Cartaro C, Convery MR, Dorfan J, Dubois-Felsmann GP, Dunwoodie W, Ebert M, Field RC, Franco Sevilla M, Fulsom BG, Gabareen AM, Graham MT, Grenier P, Hast C, Innes WR, Kelsey MH, Kim P, Kocian ML, Leith DW, Lewis P, Lindquist B, Luitz S, Luth V, Lynch HL, Macfarlane DB, Muller DR, Neal H, Nelson S, Perl M, Pulliam T, Ratcliff BN, Roodman A, Salnikov AA, Schindler RH, Snyder A, Su D, Sullivan MK, Va'vra J, Wagner AP, Weaver M, Wisniewski WJ, Wittgen M, Wright DH, Wulsin HW, Young CC, Ziegler V, Park W, Purohit MV, White RM, Wilson JR, Randle-Conde A, Sekula SJ, Bellis M, Benitez JF, Burchat PR, Miyashita TS, Alam MS, Ernst JA, Gorodeisky R, Guttman N, Peimer DR, Soffer A, Lund P, Spanier SM, Eckmann R, Ritchie JL, Ruland AM, Schilling CJ, Schwitters RF, Wray BC, Izen JM, Lou XC, Bianchi F, Gamba D, Lanceri L, Vitale L, Martinez-Vidal F, Oyanguren A, Ahmed H, Albert J, Banerjee S, Bernlochner FU, Choi HH, King GJ, Kowalewski R, Lewczuk MJ, Nugent IM, Roney JM, Sobie RJ, Tasneem N, Gershon TJ, Harrison PF, Latham TE, Puccio EM, Band HR, Dasu S, Pan Y, Prepost R, Wu SL,
Physical review letters.. 2012 May 25108 (21):211801. Epub 05/21/2012.
Waibel BH, Rotondo MF
The Surgical clinics of North America.. 2012 April 92 (2):243-57, viii. Epub 01/26/2012.
McSwain N, Rotondo M, Meade P, Duchesne J
The British journal of surgery.. 2012 March 99 (3):309-14. Epub 01/04/2012.
Goettler CE, Butler TS, Shackleford P, Rotondo MF
The American surgeon.. 2011 December 77 (12):1600-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Lees JP, Poireau V, Tisserand V, Garra Tico J, Grauges E, Martinelli M, Milanes DA, Palano A, Pappagallo M, Eigen G, Stugu B, Brown DN, Kerth LT, Kolomensky YG, Lynch G, Koch H, Schroeder T, Asgeirsson DJ, Hearty C, Mattison TS, McKenna JA, So RY, Khan A, Blinov VE, Buzykaev AR, Druzhinin VP, Golubev VB, Kravchenko EA, Onuchin AP, Serednyakov SI, Skovpen YI, Solodov EP, Todyshev KY, Yushkov AN, Bondioli M, Kirkby D, Lankford AJ, Mandelkern M, Stoker DP, Atmacan H, Gary JW, Liu F, Long O, Vitug GM, Campagnari C, Hong TM, Kovalskyi D, Richman JD, West CA, Eisner AM, Kroseberg J, Lockman WS, Martinez AJ, Schalk T, Schumm BA, Seiden A, Cheng CH, Doll DA, Echenard B, Flood KT, Hitlin DG, Ongmongkolkul P, Porter FC, Rakitin AY, Andreassen R, Dubrovin MS, Huard Z, Meadows BT, Sokoloff MD, Sun L, Bloom PC, Ford WT, Gaz A, Nagel M, Nauenberg U, Smith JG, Wagner SR, Ayad R, Toki WH, Spaan B, Kobel MJ, Schubert KR, Schwierz R, Bernard D, Verderi M, Clark PJ, Playfer S, Bettoni D, Bozzi C, Calabrese R, Cibinetto G, Fioravanti E, Garzia I, Luppi E, Munerato M, Negrini M, Piemontese L, Santoro V, Baldini-Ferroli R, Calcaterra A, de Sangro R, Finocchiaro G, Nicolaci M, Patteri P, Peruzzi IM, Piccolo M, Rama M, Zallo A, Contri R, Guido E, Lo Vetere M, Monge MR, Passaggio S, Patrignani C, Robutti E, Bhuyan B, Prasad V, Lee CL, Morii M, Edwards AJ, Adametz A, Marks J, Uwer U, Bernlochner FU, Ebert M, Lacker HM, Lueck T, Dauncey PD, Tibbetts M, Behera PK, Mallik U, Chen C, Cochran J, Meyer WT, Prell S, Rosenberg EI, Rubin AE, Gritsan AV, Guo ZJ, Arnaud N, Davier M, Grosdidier G, Le Diberder F, Lutz AM, Malaescu B, Roudeau P, Schune MH, Stocchi A, Wormser G, Lange DJ, Wright DM, Bingham I, Chavez CA, Coleman JP, Fry JR, Gabathuler E, Hutchcroft DE, Payne DJ, Touramanis C, Bevan AJ, Di Lodovico F, Sacco R, Sigamani M, Cowan G, Brown DN, Davis CL, Denig AG, Fritsch M, Gradl W, Hafner A, Prencipe E, Alwyn KE, Bailey D, Barlow RJ, Jackson G, Lafferty GD, Behn E, Cenci R, Hamilton B, Jawahery A, Roberts DA, Simi G, Dallapiccola C, Cowan R, Dujmic D, Sciolla G, Lindemann D, Patel PM, Robertson SH, Schram M, Biassoni P, Lazzaro A, Lombardo V, Neri N, Palombo F, Stracka S, Cremaldi L, Godang R, Kroeger R, Sonnek P, Summers DJ, Nguyen X, Taras P, De Nardo G, Monorchio D, Onorato G, Sciacca C, Raven G, Snoek HL, Jessop CP, Knoepfel KJ, LoSecco JM, Wang WF, Honscheid K, Kass R, Brau J, Frey R, Sinev NB, Strom D, Torrence E, Feltresi E, Gagliardi N, Margoni M, Morandin M, Posocco M, Rotondo M, Simonetto F, Stroili R, Akar S, Ben-Haim E, Bomben M, Bonneaud GR, Briand H, Calderini G, Chauveau J, Hamon O, Leruste P, Marchiori G, Ocariz J, Sitt S, Biasini M, Manoni E, Pacetti S, Rossi A, Angelini C, Batignani G, Bettarini S, Carpinelli M, Casarosa G, Cervelli A, Forti F, Giorgi MA, Lusiani A, Oberhof B, Paoloni E, Perez A, Rizzo G, Walsh JJ, Lopes Pegna D, Lu C, Olsen J, Smith AJ, Telnov AV, Anulli F, Cavoto G, Faccini R, Ferrarotto F, Ferroni F, Gaspero M, Li Gioi L, Mazzoni MA, Piredda G, Bünger C, Grünberg O, Hartmann T, Leddig T, Schröder H, Waldi R, Adye T, Olaiya EO, Wilson FF, Emery S, Hamel de Monchenault G, Vasseur G, Yèche Ch, Aston D, Bard DJ, Bartoldus R, Benitez JF, Cartaro C, Convery MR, Dorfan J, Dubois-Felsmann GP, Dunwoodie W, Field RC, Franco Sevilla M, Fulsom BG, Gabareen AM, Graham MT, Grenier P, Hast C, Innes WR, Kelsey MH, Kim H, Kim P, Kocian ML, Leith DW, Lewis P, Li S, Lindquist B, Luitz S, Luth V, Lynch HL, MacFarlane DB, Muller DR, Neal H, Nelson S, Ofte I, Perl M, Pulliam T, Ratcliff BN, Roodman A, Salnikov AA, Schindler RH, Snyder A, Su D, Sullivan MK, Va'vra J, Wagner AP, Weaver M, Wisniewski WJ, Wittgen M, Wright DH, Wulsin HW, Yarritu AK, Young CC, Ziegler V, Park W, Purohit MV, White RM, Wilson JR, Randle-Conde A, Sekula SJ, Bellis M, Burchat PR, Miyashita TS, Alam MS, Ernst JA, Gorodeisky R, Guttman N, Peimer DR, Soffer A, Lund P, Spanier SM, Eckmann R, Ritchie JL, Ruland AM, Schilling CJ, Schwitters RF, Wray BC, Izen JM, Lou XC, Bianchi F, Gamba D, Lanceri L, Vitale L, Martinez-Vidal F, Oyanguren A, Ahmed H, Albert J, Banerjee S, Choi HH, King GJ, Kowalewski R, Lewczuk MJ, Nugent IM, Roney JM, Sobie RJ, Tasneem N, Gershon TJ, Harrison PF, Latham TE, Puccio EM, Band HR, Dasu S, Pan Y, Prepost R, Wu SL,
Physical review letters.. 2011 November 25107 (22):221803. Epub 11/21/2011.
Schlitzkus LL, Goettler CE, Waibel BH, Sagraves SG, Hasty CC, Edwards M, Rotondo MF
Surgical infections.. 2011 October 12 (5):359-63. Epub 09/19/2011.
Newell MA, Schlitzkus LL, Waibel BH, White MA, Schenarts PJ, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2010 November 69 (5):1049-53. Epub 1900 01 01.
Durham CA, McNally MM, Parker FM, Bogey WM, Powell CS, Goettler CE, Rotondo MF, Stoner MC
Journal of vascular surgery.. 2010 October 52 (4):884-9; discussion 889-90. Epub 07/23/2010.
Duchesne JC, McSwain NE, Cotton BA, Hunt JP, Dellavolpe J, Lafaro K, Marr AB, Gonzalez EA, Phelan HA, Bilski T, Greiffenstein P, Barbeau JM, Rennie KV, Baker CC, Brohi K, Jenkins DH, Rotondo M
The Journal of trauma.. 2010 October 69 (4):976-90. Epub 1900 01 01.
Waibel BH, Rotondo MF
Critical care medicine.. 2010 September 38 (9 Suppl):S421-30. Epub 1900 01 01.
Goettler CE, Waibel BH, Goodwin J, Watkins F, Toschlog EA, Sagraves SG, Schenarts PJ, Bard MR, Newell MA, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2010 June 68 (6):1279-87; discussion 1287-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Zervos EE, Agle SC, Warren AJ, Lang CG, Fitzgerald TL, Dar M, Rotondo MF, Pories WJ
Journal of the American College of Surgeons.. 2010 May 210 (5):564-72, 572-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Waibel BH, Durham CA, Newell MA, Schlitzkus LL, Sagraves SG, Rotondo MF
Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.. 2010 March 11 (2):199-204. Epub 1900 01 01.
Goettler CE, Schlitzkus LL, Waibel BH, Edwards M, Wilhelmsen B, Rotondo MF
The American surgeon.. 2010 January 76 (1):60-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Vernberg DK, Rotondo MF
Journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses.. 2010 17 (3):142-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Meara MP, Schlitzkus LL, Witherington M, Haisch C, Rotondo MF, Schenarts PJ
Journal of surgical education.. 2010 67 (6):427-31. Epub 11/05/2010.
Waibel BH, Schlitzkus LL, Newell MA, Durham CA, Sagraves SG, Rotondo MF
Journal of the American College of Surgeons.. 2009 November 209 (5):580-8. Epub 09/19/2009.
Rotondo MF, Bard MR, Sagraves SG, Toschlog EA, Schenarts PJ, Goettler CE, Newell MA, Robertson MJ
The Journal of trauma.. 2009 November 67 (5):915-23. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bard MR, Shaikh S, Pestaner J, Newell MA, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2009 October 67 (4):E98-E101. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sagraves SG, Newell MA, Bard MR, Watkins FR, Corcoran KJ, McMullen PD, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2009 September 67 (3):441-3; discussion 443-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Newell MA, Rotondo MF, Toschlog EA, Waibel BH, Sagraves SG, Schenarts PJ, Bard MR, Goettler CE
The Journal of trauma.. 2009 August 67 (2):337-40. Epub 1900 01 01.
Pofahl WE, Goettler CE, Ramsey KM, Cochran MK, Nobles DL, Rotondo MF
Journal of the American College of Surgeons.. 2009 May 208 (5):981-6; discussion 986-8. Epub 03/26/2009.
Briggs S, Goettler CE, Schenarts PJ, Newell MA, Sagraves SG, Bard MR, Toschlog EA, Rotondo MF
American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.. 2009 March 18 (2):144-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Winchell RJ, Ball JW, Cooper GF, Sanddal ND, Rotondo MF
Journal of the American College of Surgeons.. 2008 November 207 (5):623-9. Epub 07/21/2008.
Schenarts PJ, Phade SV, Goettler CE, Waibel BH, Agle SC, Bard MR, Rotondo MF
The American surgeon.. 2008 June 74 (6):494-501; discussion 501-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schenarts PJ, Phade SV, Agle SC, Goettler CE, Sagraves SG, Newell MA, Rotondo MF
North Carolina medical journal.. 2008 69 (4):265-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Toschlog EA, Newton C, Allen N, Newell MA, Goettler CE, Schenarts PJ, Bard MR, Sagraves SG, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2007 June 62 (6):1370-5; discussion 1375-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Newell MA, Bard MR, Goettler CE, Toschlog EA, Schenarts PJ, Sagraves SG, Holbert D, Pories WJ, Rotondo MF
Journal of the American College of Surgeons.. 2007 May 204 (5):1056-61; discussion 1062-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rotondo MF
Surgery.. 2007 March 141 (3):291-2. Epub 02/14/2007.
Toschlog EA, Sagraves SG, Bard MR, Schenarts PJ, Goettler CC, Newell MA, Rotondo MF
Archives of surgery.. 2007 January 142 (1):77-81. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sagraves SG, Phade SV, Spain T, Bard MR, Goettler CE, Schenarts PJ, Toschlog EA, Newell MA, Claims BA, Peck MD, Rotondo MF
Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association.. 2007 28 (1):111-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bard MR, Goettler CE, Toschlog EA, Sagraves SG, Schenarts PJ, Newell MA, Fugate M, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2006 December 61 (6):1441-5; discussion 1445-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schecter WP, Ivatury RR, Rotondo MF, Hirshberg A
Journal of the American College of Surgeons.. 2006 September 203 (3):390-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Barrow IM, Hough M, Rastatter MP, Walker M, Holbert D, Rotondo MF
Brain injury. 2006 July 20 (8):845-55. Epub 1900 01 01.
Goettler CE, Fugo JR, Bard MR, Newell MA, Sagraves SG, Toschlog EA, Schenarts PJ, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2006 May 60 (5):991-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Esposito TJ, Rotondo M, Barie PS, Reilly P, Pasquale MD
Journal of the American College of Surgeons.. 2006 April 202 (4):655-67. Epub 1900 01 01.
Reade CC, Jenkins NL, Bard MR, Kuszyk BS, Koutlas TC, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2006 April 60 (4):894-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sagraves SG, Toschlog EA, Rotondo MF
Journal of intensive care medicine.. 2006 21 (1):5-16. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schenarts PJ, Sagraves SG, Bard MR, Toschlog EA, Goettler CE, Newell MA, Rotondo MF
Current surgery.. 2006 63 (3):219-25. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schenarts PJ, Anderson Schenarts KD, Rotondo MF
Current surgery.. 2006 63 (4):269-74. Epub 1900 01 01.
Steinhorst B, Dolezal JM, Jenkins NL, Snyder BL, Rotondo MF
Journal of agromedicine.. 2006 11 (3-4):5-14. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schenarts P, Bowen J, Bard M, Sagraves S, Toschlog E, Goettler C, Cromwell S, Rotondo M
American journal of surgery.. 2005 July 190 (1):147-52. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rotondo MF, Esposito TJ, Reilly PM, Barie PS, Meredith JW, Eddy VA, Rabinovici R, Jacobs LM, Cunningham PR, Frykberg ER, Rhodes M, Pasquale MD, Enderson BL, Locurto JJ, Atweh NA, Ivatury RR
The Journal of trauma.. 2005 July 59 (1):77-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Chiu WC, Scalea TM, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2005 March 58 (3):605-13. Epub 1900 01 01.
Thompson-Brazill KA, Goettler CE, Rotondo MF
Journal of emergency nursing.. 2005 February 31 (1):112-4; quiz 121. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bailey K, Swinyer M, Bard M, Sparrow V, Deegan J, Small K, Janssen R, Bailey B, Toschlog E, Sagraves S, Goettler C, Rotondo M
Journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses.. 2005 12 (1):10-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Ghiassi S, Sun YS, Kim VB, Scott CM, Nifong LW, Rotondo MF, Chitwood WR
The Journal of trauma.. 2004 September 57 (3):515-21. Epub 1900 01 01.
Bard MR, Goettler CE, Schenarts PJ, Collins BA, Toschlog EA, Sagraves SG, Rotondo MF
The American surgeon.. 2004 September 70 (9):783-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rotondo MF, Bard MR
Injury.. 2004 July 35 (7):649-54. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hoff WS, Sicoutris CP, Lee SY, Rotondo MF, Holstein JJ, Gracias VH, Pryor JP, Reilly PM, Doroski KK, Schwab CW
The Journal of trauma.. 2004 February 56 (2):291-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Toschlog EA, Blount KP, Rotondo MF, Sagraves SG, Bard MR, Schenarts PJ, Swanson M, Goettler CE
The Journal of trauma.. 2003 August 55 (2):255-60; discussion 260-2. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sagraves SG, Conquest AM, Albrecht RJ, Toschlog EA, Schenarts PJ, Bard MR, Powell CS, Rotondo MF
The American surgeon.. 2003 June 69 (6):485-9; discussion 490. Epub 1900 01 01.
Toschlog EA, MacElligot J, Sagraves SG, Schenarts PJ, Bard MR, Goettler CE, Rotondo MF, Swanson MS
The American surgeon.. 2003 June 69 (6):491-7; discussion 497-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Barrow IM, Hough M, Rastatter MP, Walker M, Holbert D, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2003 May 54 (5):888-95; discussion 895-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Meredith JW, Evans G, Kilgo PD, MacKenzie E, Osler T, McGwin G, Cohn S, Esposito T, Gennarelli T, Hawkins M, Lucas C, Mock C, Rotondo M, Rue L, Champion HR
The Journal of trauma.. 2002 October 53 (4):621-8; discussion 628-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
DiGiacomo JC, Frankel HL, Rotondo MF
Military medicine.. 2002 May 167 (5):398-401. Epub 1900 01 01.
Digiacomo JC, Frankel H, Rotondo MF, Schwab CW, Shaftan GW
The American surgeon.. 2001 October 67 (10):969-73. Epub 1900 01 01.
DiGiacomo JC, Rotondo MF, Kauder DR, Schwab CW
Archives of surgery.. 2001 September 136 (9):1045-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Johnson JW, Gracias VH, Schwab CW, Reilly PM, Kauder DR, Shapiro MB, Dabrowski GP, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2001 August 51 (2):261-9; discussion 269-71. Epub 1900 01 01.
Shapiro MB, Jenkins DH, Schwab CW, Rotondo MF
The Journal of trauma.. 2000 November 49 (5):969-78. Epub 1900 01 01.
DiGiacomo JC, Frankel H, Haskell RM, Rotondo MF, Schwab CW
The Journal of trauma.. 2000 August 49 (2):348-50. Epub 1900 01 01.
Frankel HL, FitzPatrick MK, Gaskell S, Hoff WS, Rotondo MF, Schwab CW
Journal of the American College of Surgeons.. 1999 December 189 (6):533-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
Frankel H, Haskell R, Lee SY, Miller D, Rotondo M, Schwab CW
World journal of surgery.. 1999 September 23 (9):966-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
DiGiacomo JC, Schwab CW, Kauder DR, Rotondo MF
World journal of surgery.. 1999 June 23 (6):619-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
May AK, Patterson MA, Rue LW, Schiller HJ, Rotondo MF, Schwab CW
The American surgeon.. 1999 June 65 (6):568-74. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sing RF, Rotondo MF, Zonies DH, Schwab CW, Kauder DR, Ross SE, Brathwaite CC
The American journal of emergency medicine.. 1998 October 16 (6):598-602. Epub 1900 01 01.
Grossman MD, May AK, Schwab CW, Reilly PM, McMahon DJ, Rotondo M, Shapiro MB, Kauder DR, Frankel H, Anderson H
The Journal of trauma.. 1998 September 45 (3):446-56. Epub 1900 01 01.
Schwab W, Frankel HL, Rotondo MF, Gares DA, Robison EA, Haskell RM, Hoff WS, Kauder DR, Thornton J
The Journal of trauma.. 1998 May 44 (5):815-19; discussion 819-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
DiGiacomo JC, Rotondo MF, Kauder DR, Schwab CW
Surgery.. 1998 April 123 (4):478-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Frankel HL, Haskell R, Digiacomo JC, Rotondo M
The American surgeon.. 1998 February 64 (2):151-4. Epub 1900 01 01.
Hoff WS, Reilly PM, Rotondo MF, DiGiacomo JC, Schwab CW
The Journal of trauma.. 1997 November 43 (5):772-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Nance ML, Peden GW, Shapiro MB, Kauder DR, Rotondo MF, Schwab CW
The Journal of trauma.. 1997 October 43 (4):618-22; discussion 622-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rotondo MF, Zonies DH
The Surgical clinics of North America.. 1997 August 77 (4):761-77. Epub 1900 01 01.
Reilly PM, Sing RF, Giberson FA, Anderson HL, Rotondo MF, Tinkoff GH, Schwab CW
Intensive care medicine.. 1997 August 23 (8):859-64. Epub 1900 01 01.
Haskell RM, Frankel HL, Rotondo MF
AACN clinical issues.. 1997 August 8 (3):335-50. Epub 1900 01 01.
Haskell RM, Boruta B, Rotondo MF, Frankel HL
AACN clinical issues.. 1997 August 8 (3):368-82. Epub 1900 01 01.
DiGiacomo JC, Rotondo MF, Schwab CW
Military medicine.. 1997 February 162 (2):iv. Epub 1900 01 01.
DiGiacomo JC, Hoff WS, Rotondo MF, Martin K, Kauder DR, Anderson HL, Phillips GR, Schwab CW
The American journal of emergency medicine.. 1997 January 15 (1):34-9. Epub 1900 01 01.
Brookoff D, Rotondo MF, Shaw LM, Campbell EA, Fields L
Annals of emergency medicine.. 1996 March 27 (3):316-20. Epub 1900 01 01.
Sing RF, Reilly PM, Rotondo MF, Lynch MJ, McCans JP, Schwab CW
Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.. 1996 January 3 (1):41-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Barba CA, Angood PB, Kauder DR, Latenser B, Martin K, McGonigal MD, Phillips GR, Rotondo MF, Schwab CW
Surgery.. 1995 November 118 (5):879-83. Epub 1900 01 01.
Reilly PM, Rotondo MF, Carpenter JP, Sherr SA, Schwab CW
The Journal of trauma.. 1995 October 39 (4):757-60. Epub 1900 01 01.
DiGiacomo JC, Schwab CW, Rotondo MF, Angood PA, McGonigal MD, Kauder DR, Phillips GR
The Journal of trauma.. 1994 October 37 (4):622-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
DiGiacomo JC, Rotondo MF, Schwab CW
The Journal of trauma.. 1994 July 37 (1):111-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
McGonigal MD, Cole J, Schwab CW, Kauder DR, Rotondo MF, Angood PB
The Journal of trauma.. 1993 October 35 (4):532-6; discussion 536-7. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rotondo MF, McGonigal MD, Schwab CW, Kauder DR, Angood PB
The Journal of trauma.. 1993 October 35 (4):550-3; discussion 553-5. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rotondo MF, Schwab CW, McGonigal MD, Phillips GR, Fruchterman TM, Kauder DR, Latenser BA, Angood PA
The Journal of trauma.. 1993 September 35 (3):375-82; discussion 382-3. Epub 1900 01 01.
McGonigal MD, Cole J, Schwab CW, Kauder DR, Rotondo MF, Angood PB
The Journal of trauma.. 1993 June 34 (6):863-8; discussion 868-70. Epub 1900 01 01.
Rotondo MF, McGonigal MD, Schwab CW, Kauder DR, Hanson CW
The Journal of trauma.. 1993 February 34 (2):242-6. Epub 1900 01 01.
Porter JM, Rotondo MF
Current opinion in general surgery. 1993 :62-8. Epub 1900 01 01.
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