Research & Mentorship
What our residents say...
"What I like most about the PM&R program at URMC is that resident feedback is valued and the program constantly adapts to improve resident education."
Kyle Smith
PM&R residents have the opportunity to participate in structured, supervised research with PM&R faculty, as well as collaborate with faculty from other departments and institutions. Scholarly activity such as a research project or clinical case study report is a requirement for graduation from the PM&R residency program.
Mentorship for projects is available through individual faculty advisors and research mentor. Residents complete research projects on various topics of their interest and present their research at national PM&R meetings.
Twice yearly we hold a Research Day event where residents present their quality improvement projects, research progress, and research ideas to the faculty and their peers and receive feedback.

PM&R Research Day with guest moderator Robert Rondinelli, MD, PhD
Medical Director of Rehabilitation Services, Iowa Health Des Moines