If you are a graduate of any of the programs offered by the Institute for the Family, we welcome your continued involvement with the Institute and with the University of Rochester. Whether it is serving as a mentor to fellow alumni, participating in professional development and continuing education opportunities offered by the Institute for the Family, or supporting the ongoing work of the Institute through financial and volunteer contributions, there is an important role for you to play as we build the Institute.
The passing of Dr. Susan H. Horwitz, faculty of the Institute for the Family and Associate Professor of Psychiatry, shocked and saddened the University of Rochester community. Since her death, former students and patients, community leaders, friends and family have honored her memory and her vision. The McGowan Foundation, inspired by Dr. Horwitz’ vision for stronger families, has established a challenge grant that will match $100,000 in gifts to the Horwitz Scholarship Fund. Learn more about Dr. Horowitz and this opportunity to remember her work through an endowed scholarship fund.