Research Labs
Learn more about the Department of Psychiatry's groundbreaking research labs and centers.
Alzheimer's Disease Care, Research and Education Program (AD-CARE)
Our mission is to advance clinical research in Alzheimer’s Disease through national and international research studies.
Center for Retina & Brain (CRAB)
We study how changes in the eye reflect changes in the brain's structure and function in a range of psychiatric, neurological, and systemic diseases. A principal focus is on retinal biomarkers of these conditions.
The Center for the Study & Prevention of Suicide (CSPS)
As a multidisciplinary research center, we aim to reduce mortality and morbidity from suicide and attempted suicide.
Frederick J. and Marion A. Schindler Cognitive Neurophysiology Lab
We’re interested in understanding how the brain processes inputs from our sense organs and how conditions and disorders with genetic and neurological components affect sensory perception and sense-related cognition.
Fudge Lab | Anatomy and Neurochemistry of Major Psychiatric Illnesses
Our laboratory examines how pathways through the brain’s amygdala are positioned to mediate the symptoms of severe mental illnesses.
Our laboratory investigates the neural network that underlies incentive-based learning and decision-making, leading to the development of action plans.
We study strategies everyone can use to maintain and increase well-being as we age. We study ways to maintain and grow meaningful social connections in later life.
Our lab harnesses behavioral psychophysics and functional neuroimaging tools to understand the neural and information processes that underlie visual object perception in healthy and psychotic populations.
Laboratory of Integration Services for Complex Needs (LISCN)
We seek to study patients’ needs and priorities across the biomedical, psychiatric, and social spheres and develop innovative solutions for integrated care.
We are interested in understanding the neural mechanisms that transform nociceptive input into painful perceptions in humans and how these mechanisms change in chronic pain.
Schizophrenia Treatment and Research Laboratory (STAR)
We work to uncover the causes of schizophrenia and related disorders to develop novel treatments through innovative research studies.
We study the factors related to suicidal thoughts and behaviors in youth. Our research focuses on developmental risk factors, such as neurocognitive functioning and familial relationships, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in youth.
Sleep & Neurophysiology Research Laboratory
We study the causes, consequences, and treatments for insomnia and continue refining our questions about its nature, treatment, and the health benefits of proper management.
The Wynne Center for Family Research
We conduct clinical studies to understand the impact of stress and health in families and how to promote health and well-being