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URMC / Quality & Safety / Ever Better

Rethinking Surgical Safety

Anticipating surgery is nerve-racking enough for a patient and her family—and that’s without added worries that her operating room team might be feeling frantic in the moments leading up to her procedure. Eager to “slow down” and spend time where it matters most, UR Medicine’s Perioperative faculty and staff have joined forces with their academic medical colleagues from MCIC Vermont, a hospital-owned liability insurer.

‘UPP’ and Running: Care Improvement Program Melds URMC’s Biggest Priorities

Just a month ago, Strong Memorial Hospital rolled out the “Unit-based Performance Program” (UPP), a major initiative that will—by braiding the three together—help inpatient units better coordinate their improvement efforts around 1) patient safety, 2) the ICARE experience, and 3) operational efficiency.

Infection Prevention, Environmental Services Team Up to Expand ‘Cleaning Grid'

Lather well. Sing Happy Birthday twice. Don’t forget to wash beneath nails and between fingers.

After years of health care workers maintaining a hyper-focus on clean hands, the pendulum is starting to swing in another direction: Renewed national concern around environmental cleanliness.