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URMC / Research / Center for Advanced Research Technologies / Acknowledgement of Scientific Work

Acknowledgement of Scientific Work in Core Facilities

Core facility personnel are the unsung heroes of scientific research. They are scientists who provide crucial support to researchers by offering their expertise in various areas, such as technical help, operational equipment expertise, and scientific advice. When they make a substantial intellectual and/or experimental contribution to a publication, they deserve to be acknowledged.

Proper acknowledgment of core facilities in publications is not just a matter of principal, it is a key metric of their value. It enables them to obtain the financial and other support necessary to continue providing their essential services in the best possible way. It also helps core personnel advance in their careers, adding to the overall health of the core facility.

Core facilities should always be included in the acknowledgment section of publications that feature their contributions. Funding sources for core facilities, such grants, may also require specific acknowledgment.



When resource scientists make contributions that enable or significantly enhance the value of a publication, they should be given co-authorship as appropriate acknowledgment. Each author should participate at a level that enables them to take responsibility for the content of the manuscript. Activities that warrant authorship include conception or design of the project, data acquisition, analysis, and/or interpretation beyond routine practices, and critical drafting and/or revision of the manuscript for intellectual content purposes.

In short, acknowledging the contributions of core facility personnel and resource scientists is not just good practice, it is crucial for the advancement of science and the success of research institutions.



[Technique/technology] was performed by the [facility name] at the University of Rochester Medical Center, which receives financial support from [sponsor name (grant number)].

We thank The University of Rochester Medical Center's [facility name], especially [staff name], for their assistance with [technique/technology].

(Please find below facility RRID codes and equipment grant information)



The Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF), Authorship Guidelines:

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors: authors-and-contributors.html

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), Maximizing Shared Research Resources, Oct 2017: rces%20-%20Part%20I.pdf

National Institutes of Health, Guidelines and Policies for the Conduct of Research in the Intramural Research Program at NIH, 5th Edition, May 2016: conduct_research.pdf


Instrument Grant Source and Funding Agency Facility Year Acquired
BD Biosciences Aria-II                    

1 S10RR29229 -DHHS/PHS/NIH

Flow Core Resource 2010
Illumina Genomic Analyzer 1 S10RR025577 -  DHHS/PHS/NIH Genomics Research Center 2010
CyTOF Mass Cytometer

1 S10OD012302 - DHHS/PHS/NIH

Flow Core Resource 2012
Illumina Hi-Seq 2500 1 S10OD016243 - DHHS/PHS/NIH Genomics Research Center 2013
Fluidigm C1 Single Cell Auto Prep System

1 S10OD019984 - DHHS/PHS/NIH

Genomics Research Center 2015
Thermo Fisher QExactive

1 S10OD021486 - DHHS/PHS/NIH

Mass Spectrometry Resource Laboratory 2016
Abberior STD Microscope

1 S10OD023440 - DHHS/PHS/NIH

Center for Advanced Microscopy & Nanoscopy 2018
Thermo Fisher Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer

1 S10OD025242 - DHHS/PHS/NIH

Mass Spectrometry Resource Laboratory 2018
Agilent Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer Environmental Health Science Center Flow Core Resource 2019
Bio-Rad S3e Wilmot Cancer Institute Flow Core Resource 2019
Nikon A1R Scanning Confocal Microscope New York First Grant Center for Advanced Microscopy & Nanoscopy 2019
10X Genomics Chromium Controller New York First Grant Genomics Research Center 2019
Covaris E220 Focused Ultrasonicator New York First Grant Genomics Research Center 2019
Illuminar NexSeq2500T New York First Grant Genomics Research Center 2019
Cytek 5-Laser Aurora Spectral Cytometer New York First Grant Flow Core Resource 2021
Luxendo MuVi Light Sheet Microscope 1 S10OD030305-01A1 - DHHS/PHS/NIH Center for Advanced Microscopy & Nanoscopy 2022
Luminex Amnis ImagestreamX Gen2 New York First Grant Flow Core Resource



Core Facility / Shared Resource RRID Number
Genomics Research Center SCR_012359
Flow Cytometry Resource SCR_012360
Electron Microscopy Resource SCR_012366
Center for Advanced Microscopy & Nanoscopy SCR_023177
Biosafety Level 3 SCR_023178
Mass Spectrometry Resource Laboratory SCR_023106
Cold Storage Core SCR_023197