Aubree M. Fairfull, M.D. | Assistant Professor of Clinical Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
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Anne A. Fallon, M.D. | Associate Professor - Pediatrics - Pediatric Hospitalist
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Ann Regina Falsey, M.D. | Professor - Medicine - Infectious Diseases
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Joseph Fantuzzo, D.D.S., M.D. | Clinical Associate Professor - Dentistry
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John J. Faria, M.D. | Associate Professor - Otolaryngology Associate Professor - Pediatrics
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Richard G. Farmer, M.D. | Professor Emeritus - Medicine - Gastroenterology/Hepatology
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Nicholas Farris, M.D. | Assistant Professor - Pediatrics - Hematology and Oncology
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Fabeha Fazal, Ph.D. | Associate Professor - Pediatrics - Neonatology
| Fazal Lab
Steven Elliott Feldon, M.D., M.B.A. | Professor - Ophthalmology
| Feldon Lab
Changyong Feng, Ph.D. | Professor - Biostatistics and Computational Biology Professor - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Professor - Dentistry
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Bruce M. Fenton, Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Radiation Oncology
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Isabel D. Fernandez, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D. | Associate Professor - Public Health Sciences
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Douglas R. Fetkenhour, M.D. | Associate Professor of Clinical Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
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Ian C. Fiebelkorn, Ph.D. | Associate Professor - Center for Visual Science A&S Associate Professor - Neuroscience Associate Professor - Biomedical Engineering
| Fiebelkorn Lab
Sarah K. Findeis, M.D. | Assistant Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
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Jennifer J. Findeis-Hosey, M.D. | Associate Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
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Brian S. Finkelman, M.D., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
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Jacob N. Finkelstein, Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Pediatrics - Neonatology
| Finkelstein Lab
Steven M. Finkelstein, M.D. | Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
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Julietta Fiscella, M.D. | Clinical Associate Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Chief, Pathology, Highland Hosp Labs - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
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Kevin A. Fiscella, M.D., M.P.H. | Professor - Family Medicine
| Fiscella Lab
Fergal Fleming, M.B.B.Ch. | Associate Professor - Cancer Center Associate Professor - Surgery - Colorectal Surgery
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Tyler J. Fleming, D.O., M.P.H. | Assistant Professor - Psychiatry - Behav/Psychosoc Med
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Adolph S. Flemister, M.D. | Professor - Orthopaedics
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Colleen T. Fogarty, M.D., M.Sc. | Professor - Family Medicine Chair - Family Medicine William Rocktaschel Chair in Family Medicine - Family Medicine
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Chin-To Fong, M.D. | Professor - Pediatrics - Genetics Professor - Biochemistry and Biophysics Professor - Health Humanities and Bioethics Professor - Medicine - Genetics
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Robert J. Fortuna, M.D., M.P.H. | Professor - Center for Community Health and Prevention Professor - Medicine - Primary Care Physicians Professor - Pediatrics
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David C. Foster, M.D., M.P.H. | Professor Emeritus - Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Thomas H. Foster, Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Imaging Sciences
| Foster Lab
Shannon Fourtner, M.D. | Clinical Assistant Professor - Pediatrics - Endocrinology
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John J. Foxe, Ph.D. | Research Director - The Ernest J. Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience Research Director - The Ernest J. Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience Professor - Center for Visual Science A&S Professor - Center for Visual Science A&S Professor - Neuroscience Professor - Neuroscience Chair - Neuroscience Chair - Neuroscience Kilian J. and Caroline F. Schmitt Chair in Neuroscience - Neuroscience Kilian J. and Caroline F. Schmitt Chair in Neuroscience - Neuroscience Professor - Neurology Professor - Neurology Professor - Psychiatry Professor - Psychiatry
| UR CABIN Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory
Paul S. Frame, M.D. | Clinical Professor Emeritus - Family Medicine
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Mark W. Frampton, M.D. | Professor Emeritus - Medicine - Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care
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Charles W. Francis, M.D. | Professor Emeritus - Medicine - Hematology/Oncology
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Edward G. Freedman, Ph.D. | Professor - Neuroscience Professor - Biomedical Engineering
| Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory
Robert Stanley Freeman, Ph.D. | Professor - Pharmacology and Physiology
| Freeman Lab
John G. Frelinger, Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Microbiology and Immunology
| Frelinger Lab
Sean Frey, M.D., M.P.H. | Associate Professor - Pediatrics - General Pediatrics
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Jonathan W. Friedberg, M.D., M.M.Sc. | Director - Cancer Center Professor - Medicine - Hematology/Oncology Samuel E. Durand Chair in Medicine - Medicine
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Susan Friedman, M.D., M.P.H. | Professor - Medicine - Highland Hospital
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Carol Fries Simpson, M.D. | Assistant Professor - Pediatrics - Hematology and Oncology Assistant Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
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Benjamin J. Frisch, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Assistant Professor - Biomedical Engineering
| Frisch Lab
Lynette Froula, M.D. | Assistant Professor (Part-Time) - Emergency Medicine
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Thomas P. Frye, D.O. | Associate Professor - Urology
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Julie Fudge, M.D. | Professor - Neuroscience Professor - Psychiatry - Geriatric/Psychiatry
| Fudge Lab
Thomas Fugate, M.D. | Assistant Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
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Patrick J. Fultz, M.D. | Professor - Imaging Sciences
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Chunkit Fung, M.D. | Professor - Cancer Center Professor - Medicine - Hematology/Oncology Associate Chair, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Medicine Professor - Public Health Sciences
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