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Internal Pilot Funding

Table of pilot titles with associated contact person and submission date.
Pilot Title/Application Link Contact Submission Date

Pilot Funding for Musculoskeletal Biology and Medicine

Martha Young February
The University Research Awards Libby Reitz January
PumpPrimer I
(Multi-institutional and/or multi-investigator research projects)
Lindsey Harrington / Cindy Gary Fall of each year
PumpPrimer II
(Innovative and high-risk projects)
Lindsey Harrington / Cindy Gary Fall of each year
Community Health & Prevention mini-Grants Laura Sugarwala Spring and fall of each year
University Technology Development Fund URVentures

April and October

Wilmot Cancer Institute Team Science Pilot Program Thom Fogg October for statements of intent; November for full applications
CTSI Pilot Awards Mary Little Varies
Neuroscience Research Pilot Programs Kathleen Jensen Spring of each year
Environmental Health Sciences Center Pilot Project Program Pat Noonan-Sullivan / Dr. Martha Susiarjo / Dr. Steve Georas Varies
Rochester Aging Research Center (RoAR Center) Pilot Funding Opportunities Vera Gorbunova and Dirk Bohmann  Varies
Department of Medicine Research and Education Pilot Awards Alycia Frank November

Support Health Sciences Research using High Performance Computational Resources

Benjamin Miller November 30 of each year