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St. James Hospital / Patients & Visitors / Patient Relations

Patient Relations

At St. James Hospital, we welcome feedback from patients, their friends, and family members. If we are providing exceptional care or going above and beyond to serve you, please let us know. We love hearing about what we’re doing well. And, our St. James Stars program helps us recognize individual team members for their outstanding contributions.

If we need to improve, we encourage you to let us know and not wait until frustrations feel overwhelming. Please ask questions and share feedback with your healthcare team. Communication breakdown often begins innocently, when there is a misunderstanding between individuals. 

You, your family, your significant other, or your guardian have the right to tell us when something is wrong. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing a concern with a member of your healthcare team, please contact Patient Relations. If you express a concern, your care will not be affected in any way.

Patient Relations team members look into and help resolve patient and family concerns. We are a resource when you have issues regarding communication, quality of care, or unexpected outcomes. We help ensure that our patients and families are satisfied with their experience at St. James Hospital. Your feedback is used to identify opportunities for improvement and assist the healthcare team in meeting your needs and expectations.

Patient Relations team members are available during business hours Monday through Friday. You can reach us by

Phone: (607) 247-2365 or call our main number (607) 247-2200


Mail: Patient Relations 

UR Medicine/St. James Hospital
7329 Seneca Road North
Hornell, NY 14843

Some patients receive a survey via mail or email asking about their visit or hospital stay. Please complete the survey. We use feedback to make improvements. Press Ganey Associates administers the survey and all responses are confidential.