What is a Stroke/TIA?
What is a Stroke/TIA?
What Happens During a Stroke/TIA?
- A Stroke Occurs When Blood Supply to the Brain is STOPPED.
- Brain cells REQUIRE oxygen and nutrient-rich blood.
- Without oxygen, brain cells start to die after just 3-4 minutes.
2 Types of Stroke:
Like a drain clog, ischemic strokes happen when a clot stops blood flow to an area of the brain.
Like a burst pipe, hemorrhagic strokes happen when a vessel breaks, causing blood to leak into an area of the brain.
Why Should you Care About Stroke?
- Stroke is the 3rd leading cause of death in Monroe County, NY
- Stroke is the 4th leading cause of death in NYS
- Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death in the U.S.
- Stroke is leading cause of serious long-term disability, and of placement in nursing homes.
- Stroke reduces mobility in more than half of stroke survivors age 65 and over.
- Stroke costs money: $34 billion direct costs and 68.5 billion in indirect costs (loss of work productivity, job loss, premature mortality).
To Learn More About Stroke
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