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Services & Amenities

Strong Memorial Hospital / Services & Amenities / Patient and Family Relations

Patient and Family Relations

During your stay at Strong Memorial Hospital, you are at the center of a health care team comprised of medical care professionals, loved ones and friends. It’s important that we all work together in a positive way with open communication toward our shared goal: restoring your health and well-being. However, sometimes concerns may arise regarding care, communication or treatment plans.

If you have a concern and don’t feel comfortable sharing it with your nurse or another member of your health care team, the Patient and Family Relations representatives may be able to help.

Patient and Family Relations is a confidential resource for patients and families who have concerns about communication, quality of care or unexpected outcomes. Additionally, if you feel that you are not receiving satisfactory information regarding an issue or have questions pertaining to the disclosure of unanticipated outcomes or adverse events, the representatives are available to:

  • Provide support to all parties at the time of initial disclosure.
  • Facilitate communication between you, family members and providers throughout the inquiry.
  • Maintain regular contact between you and the institution until a resolution is reached.

When you contact Patient and Family Relations you gain a neutral perspective from a person who can facilitate communication and a possible resolution of an impasse. You can rest easier knowing that Patient and Family Relations is not vested in any outcome except your satisfaction. The guiding principles for Patient and Family Relations are:

  • Confidentiality
  • Neutrality and impartiality
  • Informality

Communication breakdown often begins innocently, when there is a gap of understanding between individuals. Misinterpretations and misunderstandings may occur between you and your medical team or even between family members. For the best possible results, we encourage you to call early and not wait until frustrations feel overwhelming.

Referrals to Patient and Family Relations can be made by any patient, family member, team member or provider.

Reaching our representatives is easy and convenient. Simply call (585) 275-5418 or send an email to Or you may send a letter to:

Ansa Ahmed, MD
University of Rochester Medical Center
601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 612
Rochester, NY 14642