UR Center for Health + Technology [CHeT]

For more than three decades, CHeT’s clinical trials coordination center has served as a worldwide leader in the conduct, planning, management, implementation, analysis, and rescuing of large multi-center clinical research studies.


Advancing Research

CHeT has six units with expertise in clinical trials coordination, clinical materials services, patient-reported outcome measures, tech research and innovation, data modeling and predictive analytics, and health equity.

Driving Innovation

Our collaborators span the globe and include the National Institutes of Health, leading academic institutions, not-for-profit foundations, national advocacy groups, and industry innovators in pharma and technology.

What We Do


CHeT News


  • AUGUST 2024: "Novel Adaptive Platform Trial (APT) Investigates Off-Label Drug Treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery" [?Read Press Release]


Our Story

CHeT Units of Expertise