Literature Resources
Literature Resources
Parent Literature Family Literature Children’s Literature
Miscarriage/Infant Loss Focused-Based Literature Grief Journals
Parent Literature
- After the Darkest Hour the Sun Will Shine Again (Elizabeth Mehren)
- Beyond Tears: Living After Losing a Child (Ellen Mitchell)
- The Cure for Sorrow (Jan Richardson)
- Facing the Ultimate Loss: Coping with the Death of a Child (Robert Marx and Susan Wengerhoff Davidson)
- From Father to Father: Letters From Loss Dad to Loss Dad (Emily R. Long)
- Free to Grieve: A Mother’s Memoir in Black and White (Teleah Scott-Williams)
- Grieving Dads: To the Brink and Back (Kelly Farley with David DiCola)
- The Grieving Garden: Living with the Death of a Child (Suzanne Redfern and Susan K. Gilbert)
- Healing a Parent’s Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas After Your Child Dies (Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.)
- It’s Ok That You’re Not Ok (Megan Devine)
- Life After the Death of My Son: What I’m Learning (Dennis Apple)
- Meaningful Moments: Ritual and Reflection When A Child Dies (Rana Limbo & Kathy Kobler)
- The Paradoxes of Mourning (Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.)
- Permission to Mourn (Tom Zuba)
- Promise Me, Dad (Joe Biden)
- Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe (Laura Lynne Jackson)
- Swallowed by a Snake: The Gift of the Masculine Side of Healing (Thomas R. Golden)
Family Literature
Supporting Surviving Children
- A Child’s View of Grief: A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Counselors (Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.)
- The Grieving Child: A Parent’s Guide (Helen Fitzgerald)
- Guiding Your Child Through Grief (Mary Ann Emswiler and James P. Emswiler)
- Healing a Child’s Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas for Families, Friends and Caregivers (Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.)
- How Do We Tell the Children? A Guide for Helping Children Cope When Someone Dies (Dan Schaefer)
- A Parent's Guide to Raising Grieving Children: Rebuilding Your Family after the Death of a Loved One (Phyllis R. Silverman/ Madelyn Kelly)
- Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parents and Child (Earl A. Grollman)
- For Bereaved Grandparents (Margaret Gerner)
- Forgotten Tears: A Grandmother’s Journey Through Grief (Nina Bennett)
- Healing a Grandparent’s Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas After Your Grandchild Dies (Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.)
- When a Grandchild Dies: What to Do, What to Say, How to Cope (Nadine Galinsky)
- When Your Friend’s Child Dies: A Guide to Being a Thoughtful and Caring Friend (Julan Grant)
Supporting Those With Special Needs
- Helping People with Developmental Disabilities Mourn: Practical Rituals for Caregivers (Mark A. Markell)
Children’s Literature
- A Terrible Thing Happened (Margaret Holmes)
- Badger’s Parting Gifts (Susan Varley)
- I Miss You (Pat Thomas)
- Lifetimes: A Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children (Bryan Mellonie)
- No New Baby (Marilyn Gryte)
- The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story for All Ages (Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D.)
- The Goodbye Book (Todd Parr)
- The Invisible String (Patricia Karst)
- Something Very Sad Happened: A Toddler’s Guide to Understanding Death (Bonnie Zucker)
- When Dinosaurs Die (Laurie Kesney Brown and Marc Brown)
School Age/Elementary
- After the Funeral (Jane Loretta Winsch)
- Beyond the Ridge (Paul Globe)
- A Child Remembers (Enid S. Traisman)
- The Empty Place (Roberta Temes)
- Everett Anderson’s Goodbye (Lucille Clifton)
- Gentle Willow: A Story for Children About Dying (Joyce C. Mills)
- The Goodbye Boat (Mary Joslin)
- Help Me Say Goodbye: Activities for Helping Kids Cope When a Special Person Dies (Janis Silverman)
- Lost and Found: Remembering a Sister (Ellen Yeomans)
- The Next Place (Warren Hanson)
- The Purple Balloon (Christopher Raschka)
- Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss (Pat Schwiebert)
- The Tenth Good Thing About Barney (Judy Voirst)
- This Book is for All Kids, but Especially my Sister Libby. Libby Died. (Jack Simon)
- We Were Gonna Have a Baby But We Had an Angel Instead (Pat Schweibert & Taylor Bills)
- What On Earth Do You Do When Someone Dies? (Trevor Romaine)
- When Someone Dies (Sharon Greelee)
- When Someone Very Special Dies: Children Can Learn to Cope with Grief (Marge Heegaard)
- Where Do People Go When they Die? (Mindy Avra Portnoy)
Middle School/Teens/Young Adults
- All That Remains: Three Stories (Bruce Brooks)
- Bridge to Terabithia (Katherine Paterson)
- The Brightest Star (Kathleen Maresh Hemery)
- The Fault in Our Stars (John Green)
- Fire in My Heart, Ice In My Veins (Enid S. Traisman)
- Healing Your Grieving Heart for Teens: 100 Practical Ideas (Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.)
- The Healing Your Grieving Heart Journal for Teens (Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.)
- Help For the Hard Times: Getting Through Loss (Earl Hipp)
- Helping Teens Cope with Death (The Dougy Center for Grieving Children)
- How it Feels When a Parent Dies (Jill Krementz and Alfred Knopf)
- Reactions: A Workbook to help young people who are experiencing trauma and grief (Alison Salloum)
- The Scar (Charlotte Moundlic and Oliver Tallec)
- The Saddest Time (Norma Simon)
- Straight Talk about Death for Teenagers (Earl Grollman)
- Weird is Normal When Teenages Grieve (Jenny Lee Wheeler)
- When A Friend Dies: A Book for Teens About Grieving and Healing (Marilyn Gootman)
- When Death Walks In (Mark Scrivani)
- When Someone Very Special dies: Children Can Learn to Cope with Grief (Marge Heegaard)
- About What Was Lost (Jessica Berger Gross)
- Always Within; Grieving the Loss of Your Infant (Melissa Eshleman)
- An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination (Elizabeth McCracken)
- Empty Cradle, Broken Heart (Deborah L. Davis)
- Free to Grieve: Healing and Encouragement for Those Who Have Suffered Miscarriage and Stillbirth (Maureen Rank)
- A Gift of Time: Your Pregnancy When Your Baby’s Life is Expected to be Brief (A.Kuebelbeck, D.L. Davis)
- Grieving the Child I Never Knew (Kathe Wunnenberg)
- Help, Comfort, & Hope: After Losing Your Baby in Pregnancy or the First Year (Hannah Lothrop)
- The Invisible Pregnancy: Give Birth to Healing (Heidi Faith)
- Parenthood Lost (Michael R. Berman M.D.)
- Saying Goodbye Without Saying Hello (Marcy Rachel and RaeBeth McGee)
- A Silent Sorrow Pregnancy Loss: Guidance & Support for You and Your Family (Ingrid Kohn & Perry-Lynn Moffitt)
- Something Happened (Phyllis Childers)
- Still (Stephanie Paige Cole)
- Waiting with Gabriel: A Story of Cherishing a Baby’s Brief Life (Amy Kuebelkeck)
Focused-Based Literature
- Am I Still a Sister? (Alicia Sims)
- Hannah’s Gift (Maria Housdan)
- Phoenix Rising (Cynthia Grant)
Car Accident
- The Empty Place (Roberta Temes)
- Dusty Was My Friend (Andrea Fleck Clardy)
Military Loss
- Healing Your Grieving Heart After a Military Death ( Bonnie Carroll and Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.)
- The Hero in My Pocket (Marlene Lene)
- Dying to Be Free: A Healing Guide for Families After Suicide (Beverly Cobain)
- Finding Peace without All of the Pieces: After A Loved One’s Suicide (LaRita Archibald)
Murder/Violent Death
- What to do When the Police Leave: A guide to the first days after traumatic loss (Bill Jenkins)
- No Time for Goodbyes: Coping with sorrow, anger, and injustice after a tragic death (Janice Harris Lord)
- A Grief Like No Other: Surviving the violent death of someone you love (Kathleen O’Hara)
Grief Journals
- Grief Doodling: Bringing Back Your Smiles (Harriet Hodgson)
- Help Me Say Goodbye: Activities for Helping Kids Cope When a Special Person Dies (Janis Silverman)
- How I Feel: Grief Journal for Kids (Mia Roldan)
- How to Carry What Can’t Be Fixed: A journal for grief (Megan Devine)
- The Memory Book: A Grief Journal for Children and Families (Joanna Rowland)
- On Coming Alive: Journaling Through Grief (Lexi Behrndt)
- When Someone Very Special Dies: Children Can Learn to Cope with Grief: Drawing Out Feelings (Marge Heegaard)