Apert Syndrome Treatment Options
Apert Syndrome Treatment Options
Your child's pediatrician and the Craniofacial team will work with you and your child to assess your child's needs and determine necessary treatments. If surgery is prescribed, following are some common procedures used in the treatment of Apert Syndrome:
- Skull reshaping to correct the craniosynostosis. Our pediatric neurosurgeon and the craniofacial surgeon work together closely and watch for any signs of pressure on the brain. Skull reshaping proceeds in a staged fashion to expand the volume for the growing brain.
- Frontal-orbital advancement. This procedure is performed to increase space within the skull and the size of both orbits (the part of the skull which holds the eyeball). Again, the craniofacial surgeon and the pediatric neurosurgeon work together.
- Mid-facial advancement. Performed usually around age five, or sooner if breathing difficulties arise. The cheeks and lower orbits are advanced. Techniques to encourage bone growth may be used.
- Facial bi-partition. Widens the upper jaw, derotates the orbits, and narrows the upper face.
- Osteotomy. Moving of the bone of the upper and lower jaw to correct further irregularities in the bite. This is usually performed during the teen years.
- Rhinoplasty. Plastic surgery of the nose.
- Genioplasty. Plastic surgery of the chin or cheek.
- Hand surgery. Treatment of the hands and feet begins as early as 2-3 months of age and is coordinated with treatment of the toes and feet. The type of surgery performed by our fellowship-trained hand surgeons is based on the type of hand abnormality present and the needs of the child.