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Prep for Upper Endoscopy

These instructions are for general reference.  If your gastroenterologist ordered an upper endoscopy for your child, you should receive specific paperwork.

The procedure is performed at Strong Hospital in the GI Endoscopy Room in the new Children’s Hospital Pediatric Surgical Center. Please call (585) 276-3110, Monday through Friday, between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on the business day prior to your procedure for your scheduled ARRIVAL TIME. It is very important to arrive ON TIME. As you come from the parking garage, stop at the main information desk in the lobby to get directions to the green elevators. Take the green elevators to the 4th floor.

Your child will be drowsy after the procedure and will need some time to recover. The nurses will determine when he/she is ready to leave. Teenagers who can drive must have someone drive them home.

Please stop Carafate 24 hours prior to the procedure. Other prescribed medications can be continued. If you have any questions regarding a particular medication, please contact us. If your child is on anti-coagulation therapy (Heparin, Coumadin) specific directions need to be followed after discussion with your primary care physician.

If your child is having a pH probe, please stop the following medications for 72 hours (3 days) prior to the procedure: Prilosec (omeprazole), Prevacid (lansoprazole), Pepcid (famotidine), Nexium (esomeprazole), Protonix (pantoprazole), Zantac (ranitidine), Reglan (metoclopramide), Axid (nizatidine), Aciphex (rabeprazole) and Tagamet (cimetidine).

The Department of Anesthesiology requires that if your child menstruates, a urine pregnancy test must be done. This is typically done on the day of the procedure.

Please call our office for biopsy results one week after the procedure.

If you must cancel your appointment or are delayed, it is very important for you to call the Pediatric GI office at 585-275-2647. Delays, however, may result in the cancellation of your child’s procedure.

Preparation Instructions

Newborn – 18 months

  • No solid foods after midnight the day of the procedure. After midnight, your child may have:
    • Clear Liquids (water, Pedialyte®, clear apple juice or white grape juice) - stop 2 hours before procedure
    • Breast Milk - stop 4 hours before procedure
    • Formula and Fortified Breast Milk
      • Children over the age of 12 months must stop formula at midnight before procedure
      • Infants < 1 year- stop 6 hours before procedure.

18 months – 18 years

  • Nothing by mouth after midnight the day of the procedure unless otherwise directed.

Additional Instructions

Please call the office if your child develops fever (101F or greater) or respiratory symptoms (coughing, difficulty breathing, nasal secretions, etc) within 48 hours prior to the procedure. The number is 585-275-2647.

Please visit the surgery tour link on the Golisano Children's Hospital website to learn about what happens when pediatric patients are admitted to the Pediatric Surgical Center.

The Pediatric Surgical Suite has a dedicated Child Life Specialist who is there to help children feel more comfortable, understand what is going to happen and provide distractions as appropriate. The specialist is available Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. The Child Life Specialist can give tours of the area before your child comes in for their procedure or tell you more about what they can do to help your child be as comfortable as possible. Call (585) 276-3110 to arrange a tour or discuss your child's visit to the Pediatric Surgical Center.