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Golisano Children's Hospital / Music Therapy / Donate to Music Therapy

Donate to Music Therapy

Music Therapist playing the guitar for a baby.Make a Donation

Support our Music Therapy Program

We accept donations of funds to help support music therapy services in the hospital, since it is not reimbursable through insurance and both music therapists’ positions rely on donor support. Many of our instruments and supplies have been graciously donated by the community.  With all of the valuable donations of items given to our program, it is vital to have Music Therapists to provide the services that use the instruments we have been given.

Our internship program, a six-month educational experience required for admission to the music therapy board certification examination, is often unpaid, despite the excellent services our interns provide to patients for 40 hours per week. The ability to offer a stipend to offset the cost of living for this required internship is invaluable to these hardworking students.   

Donate Items

If you would like to make a one-time gift, there are many items we need on a day-to-day basis to help our program run smoothly. Feel free to contact us at (585) 273-2098 to inquire about specific needs.  Here are some examples:

  •  iTunes gift cards for the purchase of patient-preferred music
  • iPads
  • Infant instruments
  • Ukuleles
  • Guitars of various sizes
  • Guitar/ukulele supplies (strings, capos, picks, bags)
  • Sensory instruments
  • Hand drums