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Ashley & Stephen

Csapo family - triplets in hospitalHi, we are a family of 5: Stephen (Dad), Ashley (mom), and triplets: Bryson, Madison, and Olivia.

Our triplets were conceived in May of 2020 via IVF. Unfortunately due to an incompetent cervix, the triplets were born at 24 weeks and barely 3 days. Bryson was born weighing 1 pound, 9 ounces at 2:44 a.m., Madison was born weighing 1 pound 5 ounces at 2:44 a.m., and Olivia was born weighing 1 pound 6 ounces at 2:45 a.m. on October 24, 2020.

We experienced quite the gamut of “issues” during our time in the NICU. To name a very few: Olivia had two SIPs: one at three days old and then another two and a half weeks later; she was on a ventilator for six weeks until she had PDA ligation surgery; Bryson had NEC; and these are just to name a very few of the instances our children gave us gray hairs.

Thankfully each baby grew and pushed forward, but with plenty of setbacks and “two steps forward, one step back” along the way. Bryson spent 118 days in the NICU and came home on February 19, 2021. Olivia joined him two days later on February 21, 2021 after 120 days in the NICU. Then Madison joined them at home, with an NG tube, on February 24, 2021 after exactly four months in the NICU (123 days).

Since our time in the NICU, Bryson and Olivia have had surgery to repair hernias. We are continually following-up with specialists to ensure they are growing as they should be. Unfortunately, we did have two hospitalizations during the Fall of 2021 due to common colds, so we have experience with the Pediatric ER, the PICU and 7 South.

However, I am thankful to report that today they are crazy toddlers who are walking, talking, and getting into things, as they should be.

Csapo triplets in a field with their parents