Research Publications
Research Publications
- OCD in College Athletes.; The American journal of psychiatry; Vol 174(6), pp. 595-597. 2017 Jun 01.
- An examination of the test-retest reliability of the ACE-SQ in a sample of college athletes.; Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice and policy; Vol 10(5), pp. 559-562. 2017 Jan 09.
- Assessing daily fluctuations in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and substance use with Interactive Voice Response technology: protocol compliance and reactions.; Psychological services; Vol 9(2), pp. 185-196. 2012 May.
- Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Behaviors of Inner-City Children With Asthma; Pediatrics; Vol 124(1), pp. 218-225. 2009 Jan 01.
- Sleep Associated Gas Exchange Abnormalities in Children and Adolescents with Habitual Snoring Pediatric; Pulmonology; Vol 44(4), pp. 364-374. 2009 Jan 01.
- Sleep Apnea and Polysomnography as Predictors of Poor Quality of Life in Overweight Children and Adolescents.; J Pediatr Psych; Vol 33(3), pp. 269-78. 2008 Jan 01.
- Outcome of pulmonary function in Lemierre's disease-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome.; Pediatric pulmonology; Vol 42(4). 2007 Apr.
- Sleep and sedation in the pediatric intensive care unit.; Critical care nursing clinics of North America; Vol 17(3). 2005 Sep.
- Duration of mechanical ventilation in life-threatening pediatric asthma: description of an acute asphyxial subgroup.; Pediatrics; Vol 114(3). 2004 Sep.
- Regulation of norepinephrine in the medial preoptic area of Siberian hamsters by gonadal steroids.; Neuroendocrinology; Vol 74(1). 2001 Jul.
- An unexpected finding on a pediatric chest radiograph.; The Journal of emergency medicine; Vol 20(4). 2001 May.
- Transit time heterogeneity in canine small intestine: significance for oxygen transport.; The Journal of clinical investigation; Vol 99(2). 1997 Jan 15.
- Systemic and gut O2 extraction during endotoxemia. Role of nitric oxide synthesis.; American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine; Vol 151(1). 1995 Jan.
- Adrenergic vasoconstriction augments tissue O2 extraction during reductions in O2 delivery.; Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985); Vol 76(4). 1994 Apr.
- Education of personnel involved in the transport program.; Critical care clinics; Vol 8(3). 1992 Jul.
- Clinical features of young women with hypergonadotropic amenorrhea.; Fertility and sterility; Vol 53(5). 1990 May.
- Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of progesterone in the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis).; Steroids; Vol 52(3). 1988 Sep.