Workforce Navigation
To address the social determinants of health, we offer workforce programs for high school students living in the City of Rochester and University employees.
Teen Health & Success Partnership: We collaborate with Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection and FutureReady to coordinate employment of high school students living in the City of Rochester at the University of Rochester. The partnerships support student academic success, part-time employment, and career goal achievement. Students receive coaching from Teen Health and Success Partnership staff as well as from other University programs and staff.
Rochester Health Profession Opportunity Grants (ROC-HPOG): The Center works in collaboration with community partners to provide support and training to TANF recipients and other low-income individuals for entry and professional growth in healthcare fields. Our staff works with University of Rochester Medical Center and Highland Hospital employees on career assessment and coaching, work etiquette training, resume assistance and employment navigation to advance their careers. Please note: Funding for this program has recently ended and we are not currently enrolling new participants. We are hoping to offer the opportunity again soon – please stay tuned!