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UR Medicine


Don’t Give Up on Your Goal

Is motivation for your new year’s goal starting to wane? Tried and true ways of getting back on track to achieving a goal that is falling by the wayside exist.

  1. Spend an hour or so recalling and refreshing the benefits of your goal. Find images, articles, and videos that make an impact and allow you to feel the renewed motivation.
  2. Discover all the "whys" that make it worthy to achieve your goal.
  3. Divide your goal into stages. Then divide the stages into steps and the steps into pieces. This increases "do-ability."
  4. Identify roadblocks that are interfering with your goal and reduce or manage their interference. For example, are you watching too much TV that fuels procrastination? Then cut back on your TV time.
  5. Seek out radical accountability. For example, don’t just tell one friend your goal to have him or her hold you accountable. Instead, mail a letter stating your goal to 25 friends!
  6. Preplan a lot of rewards for achieving "mini-wins" along the way to meeting your goal.


Keith Stein | 3/4/2021

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