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UR Medicine


Strengthen Your Immune System

Washing your hands isn’t the only way to boost your immune system during flu season; check out the Life-Work Connections/EAP April blog post for additional tips for keeping your immune system strong all year long.

Maintaining High Energy at Work

Are you having trouble maintaining energy and engagement at work? If so, Life-Work Connections/EAP’s December blog post provides tips that can help.

Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet

Awesome, you’ve decided to get healthier by exercising more, but if your hard work paying off? This post explains the role of diet in our fitness plan.

Helping a Friend Who Has an Eating Disorder

Noticing a friend that you think may be struggling in their relationship with food and eating can be distressing. We don’t usually know what to say, and we don’t want to encourage distance in the friendship. This blog post can help point you to some tips and information to get you started helping your friend.

Good for the Heart, Good for the Brain

It’s the New Year and you may have a resolution about being healthy. Healthy habits that benefit the heart also show to have benefits for your brain! Learn more about these benefits from this blog post.

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