Journaling for Maximum Impact
Journaling has been shown to reduce the effects of stress and increase insight. This post can help your learn more on how to get started.
Do Meditation and Exercise Fend Off Flu?
Mindfulness practice has been linked to many mental, emotional, relational, and health benefits. This blogpost explains the findings of a recent study purporting the benefits of mindfulness on rates of illness.
Exercise and Kudos for You
There are more benefits to exercise than the release of feel-good brain chemicals and shaking off tension. Genuine self-kudos for achieving an exercise goal can contribute to improved productivity in all aspects of your life.
Overhaul Your Morning Routine
Don’t slug through a morning routine that barely gets you out the door. Small tweaks to your morning routine can pay off big dividends including improved health and more excitement about goals.
Weight Gain and Heart Health
Modest weight gains can cause dangerous changes to the heart, but small amounts of weight loss can improve the heart’s condition, say researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center.