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UR Medicine


Staying Positive in a Crisis

When crisis occurs, it challenges our skills and resources to overcome. This post includes some helpful guidelines to consider and be prepared for when you experience a challenging and unexpected event.

Dozing Off with Digital Media

Is your child falling asleep with technology aglow? This can be harmful and habitual. This article provides information about what to look out for and who to contact for help.

Avoid After-Hours Job Creep

Do you find yourself not being able to stop checking your work emails from home? If so, you may be experiencing job creep. Check out the November Life Work Connections Employee Assistance Program blog post for more information.

Plan for a Better Day Tomorrow

Jotting down tomorrow's to-do list can help you sleep. Planning your next day, even down to what you will take to work, can help reduce worry at night and stress in the morning.

Should You Get Up Earlier?

Many time management gurus claim that getting up at 5 a.m. is the secret sauce for increasing personal productivity. Experimenting with getting up earlier can really jump-start your day. Even 15 minutes can make a world of difference. 

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