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Reduce Squabbles to Increase Productivity While Working from Home

Do you notice "quarantine quarreling" in your household? If so, you are not alone. Check out the EAP October blog post for tips on reducing the bickering.

Kid Solutions to Coping with COVID

Still getting one-word responses when you ask your kid(s) how their (virtual) school day went? This October EAP blog offers ideas for ways to further explore how it’s really going.

Stress Management Tip: Reframing

Check out the Life-Work Connections/EAP September blog post for a stress management tip called "reframing" and examples of how you can start using this technique to reduce stress.

Reduce Screen Time and Be More Productive

Looking to decrease your screen time? Our September Life-Work Connections/EAP blog post provides tips for how to spend more time away from your screen(s).

Taking Charge and Facing the "New Normal"

Are you wondering how to cope with what feels like never-ending uncertainty? This Life-Work Connections/EAP blog post offers specific steps for coping with change.