Breadth and Integration
Inpatient training sites include:
Outpatient training sites include:
- Psychotherapy Training Clinic
- Strong Ties, an outpatient clinic for seriously and persistently mental ill patients
- The Older Adults Clinic
- The Schwarzkopf Clinic, an outpatient clinic associated with Rochester Psychiatric Center, a part the NY State Mental Health system
- The Strong Minds Clinic, located downtown and which sees a wide range of patients
- The Socio-legal Clinic associated with the Monroe County Jail
The Department has providers ranging from physicians to psychologists to therapists, and is also a training site for Social Work and Psychology trainees.
The Department is well-integrated within many facets of UR Medicine. This affords opportunities for inter- and multi-specialty and inter- and multi-disciplinary work.
There is a breadth of training opportunities:
- General Medicine, both inpatient and outpatient
- Geriatrics and Aging
- Family Medicine
- Community primary care practices
- General Pediatrics and subspecialty areas of GI, Endocrinology, Neurology, Rheumatology, and the Kirch Developmental Center
- Ob/Gyn Department
- Transplant programs, including the Liver, Kidney, and Heart programs, also the LVAD program
- Neurology, including Epilepsy, Movement Disorders, and Memory Care
- The Cancer Center
- Dermatology
- Pain Medicine
- Eating Disorders
Additional longstanding services in the department:
After Residency:
There are five ACGME-accredited Fellowships for those who wish to deepen their training: Addictions Psychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, and Geriatric Psychiatry.