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Urology residents and faculty 2022

Application Will Open in September 2024.

Urology Residency Program

Resident Testimonial: Alexis Steinmetz

Our residency program consists of one full year of funded research at the PGY4 level and 5 years of clinical training in all aspects of urology.  We are a leader in the field of simulation with a robust simulation curriculum utilizing high fidelity simulation platforms made on site.

Some of the strengths and highlights of this program are: 

  • We are one of only a handful of programs that have a dedicated Xi robot housed in a mock operating room utilized only for resident training
  • Our residents finish with excellent surgical skills and judgment, including superior robotic experience
  • Our graduates who decide to continue their education place in highly competitive and prestigious fellowship programs
  • We have a very team oriented, collegial environment with emphasis placed on resident well-Residents in simulation labbeing.

Welcome from the Program Director


Our Residency by the Numbers


Faculty Members


Residents Per Year


Over 200 Resident Robotic Cases


Sub Specialty Training is Present in Program

Take a Tour with Matthew Steidle, MD

Learning at URMC

Flexible Curriculum

There is flexibility in the program, and it is not uncommon for residents to change tracks during training as their learning objectives and career goals evolve.

Educational Activities

Our residents most commonly reference the personal relationships and valuable mentoring they receive as one of the top reasons why they would recommend URMC.

Simulation Lab

We are a leader in the field of simulation with a robust simulation curriculum utilizing high fidelity simulation platforms made on site.

Program Leadership On the Residency Program


Jean V. Joseph, MD, MBA, FACS
W.W. Scott Professor and Chairman
Department of Urology

Hani Rashid, MD
Professor of Urology Director
Urology Residency Program


Scott Quarrier, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Urology
Associate Director
Urology Residency Program


Hear from Our Residents About Why You'll Love URMC

What Our Residents Say...

"URMC was my first choice because of the early operative experience, clinical research, and welcoming environment. The faculty are world-renowned and eager to teach residents. URMC provides a high-volume clinical experience that covers nearly all the subspecialities within the field."

Mark Ninomiya, MD 

University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry

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