Changes to NIH Fellowship [F] Application Submission and Review Process Starting January 2025!
View revisions to application process
From the NIH: "Fellowship applications submitted on or after January 25, 2025 will follow a revised application and review criteria. The goal of the changes is to improve the chances that the most promising fellowship candidates will be consistently identified by scientific review panels."
The changes will: Better focus reviewer attention on three key assessments: the fellowship candidate’s preparedness and potential, research training plan, and commitment to the candidate
Ensure a broad range of candidates and research training contexts can be recognized as meritorious by clarifying and simplifying the language in the application and review criteria
Reduce bias in review by emphasizing the commitment to the candidate without undue consideration of sponsor and institutional reputation."
As more information is provided, this site will be updated.
UR Resources
Individual Support
- Request an appointment with our Director of Writing Services and Training Grant Development, Elaine Smolock, for assistance with fellowships.
- NIH NRSA F-series Grant Writing Guidelines and Checklist
- Process for Requesting a Diversity Legibility Letter from GEPA
Samples and Summary Statements
Review applications and summary statements from other SMD trainees who have received NIH fellowships (requires URMC login).
Join a Fellowship Club (F Club)
What is F-Club:
“F-Club” is a peer writing support group for individuals interested in writing applications for F awards. University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry (SMD) trainees interested in submitting applications for F awards are welcome to attend.
“F-Club” efforts will focus on development of Applicant Background and Goals, Biosketch, Research Strategy (inclusive of the Specific Aims, Significance, Innovation, and Approach), and other relevant attachments.
Applicants will have the opportunity to improve their grant writing skills via peer review with oversight by the Director of Writing Services and Training Grant Development, Dr. Elaine Smolock. Participants will be partnered with a peer(s) in advance to the respective “F-Club” meetings. Participants will be expected to complete a draft of the scheduled application section in advance of each session, exchange with their peer partner(s), and complete a review of their peer’s work PRIOR to the “F-Club” session. After providing feedback on each other’s work during the meeting, the peer partners will then present and share their findings with the broader “F-Club” group. We plan to have peer mentors who have been awarded Fellowships available for additional mentorship.
Writing clubs run for 8 weeks and coincide with the NIH Submission Cycles of April, August, and December. Opportunities to join an F-club will be advertised though the myHub Digest and announcements. For more information please contact Elaine Smolock.
Resources to Prepare you for Joining F-club
Fundamentals and Logistics of Starting a Fellowship Application
Writing the Applicant Background and Goals & Biosketch
Writing Specific Aims and Research Strategy
Open office hours with Dr. Smolock
SMD Information that May be Required for Your Application
The following links require URMC login.
- Institutional Environment and Commitment to Training Template
- Education and Career Development Opportunities
- Institutional Environment
- Responsible Conduct of Research
Online Resources
NIH Resources
NRSA Individual Predoctoral Fellowships (F30 and F31)
NRSA Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships (F32)
Tips to Prepare a Fellowship Application
Review Guidelines and Critique Template (requires URMC login)
Podcasts and Webinars
Podcasts from NYAS
Grantsmanship for Graduate Students and Postdocs: F30, F31, F32
Podcasts from NIH
Graduate Students Considering a Postdoc | Transcript