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Dylan Fredrick
Dylan Fredrick
Second Year
Coleman Goenner
Coleman Goenner

Research Interest:

Structure and Functional Analysis of a Bacterial Gene-Regulatory RNA Switch that Binds the DNA Damage Product 8-Oxoguanine

Xueyang He
Xueyang He, MS

Research Interest:

Modeling the effects of cancer-associated spliceosome mutations and identifying driving intronic features using deep-learning neural networks

Gang Hu
Gang Hu
First Year
Samuel Hunt
Samuel Hunt
First Year
Seth Jones
Seth Jones

Research Interest:

Structural Studies of Cas13b Accessory Protein Csx27

Christopher Kirchhoff
Christopher Kirchhoff

Research Interest:

Investigating Dynamic Exchanges Among Pre-mRNA Splicing Factor Complexes

Abby Manning
Abby Manning

Research Interest:

Regulation of transcription machinery by phosphorylation

Megan Miaro
Megan Miaro

Research Interest:

Predicting conserved non-canonical RNA interactions using sequence comparison

Wesley Mounts
Wesley Mounts
First Year
Emily Robinson
Emily Robinson, MS

Research Interest:

Application of Molecular Dynamics to Elucidate Key Binding Interactions for the Development of Therapeutics Against Opioid Overdose

Nicholas Rugelis
Nicholas Rugelis

Research Interest:

Exploring diverse nucleosome binding modes of H1 subtypes

James Seuch
James Seuch

Research Interest:

Characterizing the RNA backbone can highlight important features common across structures

Akshara Sharma
Akshara Sharma

Research Interest:

Designing Physically Intuitive Collective Variables That Drive Phase Separation in Lipid Bilayers

Yoshita Srivastava
Yoshita Srivastava, PhD

Research Interest:

Structure and Function Analysis of Bacterial Riboswitches that Control Translation

Jonathan (Jack) Stallone
Jonathan (Jack) Stallone

Research Interest:

Genetic Code Expansion to Study Auxiliary Protein Roles in AMPA Receptor Gating