
Role of Circadian Rhythm in in gene regulation and cancer cell biology and metabolism.

Role of Type 3 Interferon in the Pathophysiology of Systemic Lupus

Understanding the interaction of HIV with glial cells; Developing an improved live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV); Elucidating the host cell response to infection by viral pathogens (with emphasis on SARS-CoV-2 and Adeno-associated virus, AAV)

Translational women’s health research; To identify previously unknown mechanisms of disease for disabling vulvar conditions, namely vulvodynia and lichens

Defining molecular pathways by which allergens and particulates activate epithelia and dendritic cells in the lung immune system

Development of the infant microbiome and immune system, and how that relates to development of allergic diseases

Cancer immunotherapy/Host immune response to influenza infection/ Inflammation biology of sepsis

Delineating mechanisms by which environmental exposures during different life stages alter immune function

Translational cancer research and immunotherapy

Developing methods to estimate gene regulatory networks from gene perturbation experiments

In vitro models of human lung and vascular barriers during inflammation

Carbohydrate and protein recognition, molecular design, and biomolecular sensing

Platelets in vascular injury and inflammation

Human Skin Immunology

Innate cell antiviral responses, allergic inflammation, mucosal/airway immunity, vaccine responses

Specificity and role of CD4 T cells in response to vaccination and infection

Neonatal immunology; T cell function in preterm infants

Immune-pathogenesis of Viral Infections

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of heart development, disease, and regeneration; Transcriptional regulation of fibroblast plasticity and cardiac fibrosis

Understanding how regulation of RNA Polymerase II activity regulates cellular differentiation, with a focus on erythropoiesis. Delineating epigenetic control of normal erythropoiesis; determining the contribution of disrupted epigenetic regulation to inherited anemias.

Our research program focuses on mechanisms underlying gene environment interaction in pregnancy. We are interested in elucidating how environmental factors influence epigenetic regulation of developmental-relevant genes including imprinted genes, and how exposure modulates maternal-fetal health.

Immune responses to respiratory viruses and experimental vaccines