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Education / Medical Education / Student Mentorship

Student Mentorship

Advisory Dean Program

An integral part of the medical student experience in the Double Helix Curriculum—Translations and Transitions is the Advisory Dean program where students are assigned one of four Advisory Deans.  The program facilitates student utilization of the available career and academic counseling resources.  Regular small group and individual meetings with the Advisory Dean foster collegial relationships, assisting in each student’s growth and development in medicine. This program also eases the transitions students face during their medical school tenure.

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs also facilitates medical student access to institutional resources that provide career counseling, personal counseling and academic support.

Career Counseling is provided through Advisory Deans, department designated faculty career counselors, and alumni.  There are many specialty specific interest groups in the medical school that expose students to the various careers within a given specialty or subspecialty.  Students also utilize the AAMC’s Careers in Medicine resources.  The DHC—TT has a significant amount of elective time in Phases 3 and 4 that students utilize for career exploration. We assist students in all aspects of the residency application process.
The medical school offers academic assistance through the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (individual and workshops to improve study skills), tutoring, and accommodations.  Through an early identification process, student success is maximized.
Medical school can be challenging in many ways and often assistance is needed to meet those challenges. In addition to activities and resources through our Wellness and Resilience program, students utilize the confidential services of the University Counseling Center and the University Health Services.  There are also many resources outside of the university to assist students.