2015: Trauma REACH
Post Workshop Materials
CME Guide - instructions for printing CME transcript
Trauma Management for Rural EMS and Community Hospitals
Tuesday, May 05, 2015 (8:30am-5:30pm)
Finger Lakes Gaming and Racetrack's Meeting and Conference Center
5857 State Route 96
Farmington, NY 14425
click here for detailed directions from your location
Workshop Materials
Workshop Flyer
Marx - The New York State Trauma System
Gestring - Helicopters & Trauma: State of the Science in Support of HEMS
Clemency - BLS Protocol Changes for Suspected Spinal Injury
Ahmed - Pediatric Trauma
Romirel/Hurst - You Know It's Bad When... Stories from Amish Country
Kirsch - Snowvember 2014: Natural Disaster Impact on the Health System
ECMC, URMC, Upstate - Trauma Outreach Opportunities
Speaker Bios
Tamer A Ahmed, MD
Pediatric Trauma Medical Director
Upstate University Hospital - Syracuse, NY
Brian Clemency, DO
Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
EMS Medical Director
Attending Physician
Erie County Medical Center - Buffalo, NY
Mark Gestring, MD FACS
Medical Director, Kessler Trauma Center
Associate Professor of Surgery, Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics
University of Rochester School of Medicine - Rochester, NY
Mahlon Hurst, EMT
Volunteer Firefighter/EMT, Potter Fire Department
Educator on Farm Safety, Buggy Accidents and First Aid
Heidi Kirsch RN, BSN
Nurse Manager Emergency Department
Mercy Ambulatory Care Center- Orchard Park
William H. Marx, DO
Trauma Medical Director
Upstate University Hospital - Syracuse, NY
Winnie Romeril, FP-C, CCEMTP, NREMTP
Outreach Specialist/Flight Paramedic
Mercy Flight Central