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URMC / EHSC / Community Engagement Core / Reports and Publications

Reports and Publications

There are many local resources available for information and support on lead poisoning prevention, including through the City of RochesterCoalition to Prevent Lead PoisoningMonroe County Department of Public Health, and Western NY Lead Poisoning Resource Center. This page lists a number of key publications by the CEC and others on lead poisoning prevention activities in our community.

CEC Publications

  • Korfmacher. K.S. and K. Holt.  2018. The potential for proactive housing inspections to inform public health interventions.  Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 24(5): 444-447.
  • Korfmacher, K.S., K.G. Pettibone, K.M. Gray, O.D. Newman. 2016 .Collaborating for Systems Change: A Social Science Framework for Academic Roles in Community Partnerships. New Solutions. 26(3) 429–457.
  • Korfmacher, K.S. and M. Hanley. 2013. Are local laws the key to ending childhood lead poisoning? Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 38(4):757-814.
  • Korfmacher, K.S., M. Ayoob, R.L. Morley. 2012.  Rochester’s lead law: Evaluation of an environmental health policy innovation.  Environmental Health Perspectives.  120(2):309-315.
  • Korfmacher, K.S. 2010. Boundary networks and Rochester’s “smart” lead law: The use of multidisciplinary information in a collaborative policy process.  New Solutions. 20(3): 317-336.
  • Korfmacher, K.S. 2008.  Collaborating for primary prevention: Rochester’s new lead law.  Journal of Public Health Management and Practice.  14(4): 400-406.
  • Korfmacher, K.S. and K. Kuholski.  2007.  Do the same houses poison many children?  An investigation of lead poisoning in Rochester New York, 1993-2004.  Public Health Reports.  122(4): 483-487.
  • Korfmacher, K.S. and S. Dixon.  2007. Reliability of spot test kits for detecting lead in household dust.  Environmental Research (104): 241-249.

Select other publications on lead in Rochester

  • Boyce S, Hood K. 2002. Lead Poisoning among Young Children in Monroe County, NY : A Needs Assessment, Projection Model, and Next Steps.
  • Boyce S, Ruffer R, Ayoob M. 2008. An Evaluation of Rochester's Lead Law : 2006-2008. 
  • HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). 2018c. The University of Rochester Medical Center Partners to Eliminate Lead Poisoning. Office of Policy Development and Research.
  • Kennedy, Byron S., et al. "Declines in Elevated Blood Lead Levels Among Children, 1997− 2011." American journal of preventive medicine 46.3 (2014): 259-264.
  • McDade, Elizabeth. 2018. “The Mission: End Childhood Lead Poisoning in Rochester.”  Shelterforce: The Voice of Community Development, Nov. 13.
  • O'Fallon, Liam. "Go for the GLO." Environmental Health Perspectives 112, no. 6 (2004): A351.
  • Payne-Sturges, D.C., K. S. Korfmacher, D.A. Cory-Slechta, M.Jimenez, E. Symanski, J.L. Carr Shmool, O. Dotson-Newman, J. E. Clougherty, R. French, J. I. Levy, R. Laumbach, K. Rodgers, R. Bongiovanni, and M.K. Scammell.  2015.  Engaging Communities in Research on Cumulative Risk and Social Stress-Environment Interactions: Lessons Learned from EPA’s STAR Program.  Environmental Justice.  8(6): 203-212.  DOI: 10.1089/env.2015.0025
  • Wilson, J., S.L. Dixon, D.E Jacobs, J. Akoto, K.S. Korfmacher, J. Breysse.  2014. An investigation into porch dust lead levels.  Environmental Research. 137: 29-135