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Flaum Eye Institute / Batavia Ophthalmology / Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I need to re-schedule an appointment that I have already made?
No. Our staff is converting all appointments scheduled through Batavia Ophthalmology into the the Flaum Eye Institute / UR Medicine system. At the time of check-in, you may be asked to verify some simple demographic information. You are welcome to call the Batavia office our our main call center to verify any appointments with us.

Q. How do I contact the office?
A. You may still call (585) 344-0933. Calls about scheduling issues can also be directed to our main campus number at (585) 273-3937.

Q. Where is the new Batavia office?
A. It is at 45 Liberty Street, between Main Street and Ellicott Street.

Q. What will happen to my medical record?
A. Your current medical record will remain the property of Batavia Ophthalmology until you complete an appointment with us. Then it will become part of University of Rochester Flaum Eye Institute. All your visit information that point on will be entered into a new medical record that is part of UR Medicine. If you currently use UR Medicine providers or their affiliates, your eye record will be visible to them, and your records from your non-eye care providers will be visible to the Flaum Eye Institute. Should you wish to have your medical record, we will provide it to you, or the provider of your choice through a standard medical records release.

Q.Is my medical information secure?
A. UR Medicine maintains the highest level of medical record security in accordance with the Health Information Patient Privacy Act (HIPPA).

Q. Will billing change?
A. Billing should remain consistent with what you are presently used to. If your current medical plan requires certain deductibles to be met before co-insurance kicks in, you will be balance billed just as in the past. However, your bill will come from UR Medicine instead of Batavia Ophthalmology. Billing Questions can be directed to (585)273-3937.

Q. Will fees change?
A. In general, co-pays and non-insurance covered fees will remain the same. 

Q. If I was referred to a specialty provider outside of Batavia Ophthalmology, may I continue to see them and still see Dr. Wu?
A. Of course. Our intent is not to come between current medical relationships that you have. For new specialty referrals, you will be referred to a UR Medicine Flaum Eye Institute provider - many of them may see you in the office where you see Dr. Wu. Our specialists are among the most highly trained in the region and several of them have been selected to Best Doctors in America. If you are referred, rest assured, you are in expert hands that have the trust and confidence of Dr. Wu.

Q. Do you accept my insurance?
A. We accept most insurance plans, which means you will be covered in all of our offices. Since we pre-verify all patients prior to their appointments with us, we may call you ahead of your visit if it appears that a gap in insurance exists.