Service or Educational Program
Service or Educational Program
Translational Vision Research
The Eye Institute is a Center of Excellence that brings together basic scientists and clinical faculty from across the university campus, along with corporate partners, to conduct translational research focused on high priority issues identified by the National Eye Institute. Our team of researchers make the Flaum Eye Institute at the University of Rochester the region's leader in specialty eye care. Our doctors are pioneering new diagnostics and treatments to help preserve vision. Often, clinical trials and new treatments are tested at the Flaum Eye Institute first.

Faculty & Staff
The Flaum Eye Institute fosters collaborative research between laboratories and investigators.

Research Programs
Our diverse faculty's cutting edge research spans several areas of ophthalmology.

Our seminars and grand rounds highlight current clinical cases and research studies.

We have a wide range of ophthalmologic and vision publications that describes our research.

Research News
Want to know what's going on at FEI? Read about recent research highlights, awards, lab updates, and other news.

Make a Gift
Your support promotes research and research training in ophthalmology.