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Faculty Accomplishments

Al-Jallad N; Ly-Mapes O; Hao P; Ruan J; Ramesh A; Luo J; Wu TT; Dye
T; Rashwan N; Ren J; Jang H; Mendez L; Alomeir N; Bullock S; Fiscella KA; Xiao J. “Artificial intelligence-powered smartphone application, AICaries, improves at-home dental caries screening in children: moderated and unmoderated usability test.” PLOS Digit Health. 2022;1(6).

Alzamil H; Wu TT; Wijngaarden E; Mendoza M; Malmstrom H; Fiscella KA: Kopycka-kedzierawski DT; Billings RJ; Xiao J. “Removable denture wearing as a risk predictor for pneumonia incidence and time to event in older adults.” JDR Clinical & Translational Research. 2023;8(1)66-75.

Campbell TM; Westby M; Ghogomu ET; Fournier J; Ghaedi BB; Welch V. “Stretching, bracing, and devices for the treatment of osteoarthritis-associated joint contractures in nonoperated joints: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” Sports Health. 2023. [Online ahead of print].

Cullen JP; Russ S; Russell HA. “Theater for vaccine hesitancy-setting the stage for difficult conversations.” JAMA. 2022;328(11):1018-1019.

Duberstein PR; Hoerger M; Norton SA; Mohile S; Dahlberg B; Hyatt EG; Epstein RM; Wittink MN. “The TRIBE model: How socioemotional processes fuel end-of-life treatment in the United States.” Soc Sci Med. 2023.

Dwyer LA; Epstein RM; Feeney BC; Blair IV; Bolger N; Ferrer RA. “Responsive social support serves important functions in clinical communication: Translating perspectives from relationship science to improve cancer clinical interactions.” Soc Sci Med. 2022.

Eckert C; Sanders MR; Bharadwaj R; Fiscella KA. “Accessibility of state and territory public health department website information on COVID-19 outpatient treatments in the US.” JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(2).

Gainsburg I; Derricks V; Shields C; Fiscella KA; Epstein RM; Yu V; Griggs J. “Patient activation reduces effects of implicit bias on doctor-patient interactions.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Aug 9;119(32).

George LS; Epstein RM; Akincigil A; Saraiya B; Trevino KM; Kuziemski A; Pushparaj L; Policano E; Prigerson HG; Godwin K; Duberstein P. “Psychological determinants of physician variation in end-of-life treatment intensity: A systematic review and meta-synthesis.” Gen Intern Med. 2023.

Kehoe L; Sanapala C; DiGiovanni G; Yousefi-Nooraie R; Yilmaz S; Bauer J; Loh KP; Norton S; Duberstein PR; Kamen C; Gilmore N; Gudina A; Kleckner A; Mohile SG; Epstein RM. “Older adults with advanced cancer are selective in sharing and seeking information with social networks.” Patient Education and Counseling. 2022;105(10) 3116-3122.

Mayo NL; Ellenbogen RL; Mendoza MD; Russell HA.” The family physician's role in long COVID management.” J Fam Pract. 2022;71(10):426-431.

Reichelt M; Cullen JP; Mayer-Fried S; Russell HA; Bennett NM; Yousefi-Nooraie R. “Addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in rural communities: A case study in engaging trusted messengers to pivot and plan.” Front Public Health. 2023.

Russell HA; Sanders MR; Nofziger A; Fogarty CT; McDaniel SH; Rosenberg T; Fiscella KA; Naumburg E. “Addressing sexual harassment and gender bias: mandatory modules are not enough.” Family Medicine. 2023.

Saeed F; Ladwig S; Allen RJ; Eneanya ND; Tamura MK; Fiscella KA. “Racial disparities in health beliefs and advance care planning among patients receiving maintenance dialysis.” Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2022

Sanders MR; Cronholm PF; Edgoose J; Fiscella KA; Piggott C; McDaniel SH; Parker-Featherstone E; Fogarty CT. “Evaluating the uptake of antiracism training, policies, and practices in departments of family medicine.” J Am Board Fam Med. 2022;35(4):803-808.

Sanders MR; Tobin JN; Cassells A; Carroll J; Holder T; Thomas M; Fiscella K. “Physical and psychosocial impact on peers with HIV co-leading an HIV intervention: A pilot theory-guided case-study.” PEC Innovation. 2023;(2).

Schecter A; Piazza N; “Paging Dr. Google: The ethics of patient care in the age of vaccine hesitancy.” Family Doctor. NYSAFP. 2022;11(1)34-35.

Sufrin C; Kramer C; Terplan M; Fiscella KA; Olson S; Voegtline K; Latkin C. “Availability of medications for opioid use disorder in US Jails.” Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022.

Swenor B; Iezzoni LI; Barnett S. NIH advances landmark recommendations on disability inclusion and anti-ableism. STAT News, First Opinion. January 3, 2023.

Yaeger JP; Jones J; Ertefaie A; Caserta MT; Fiscella KA. “Derivation of a clinical-based model to detect invasive bacterial infections in febrile infants.” J Hosp Med. 2022;17(11):893-900.

Yaeger JP; Richfield C; Schiller E; Oh Y; Pereira BMC; Shabangu T; Fiscella KA. “Performance of AAP clinical practice guideline for febrile infants at one pediatric hospital.” Hosp Pediatr. 2023;13(3): e47-e50.

Yu V; Yilmaz S; Freitag J; Loh KP; Kehoe L; Digiovanni G; Bauer J; Sanapala C; Epstein RM; Yousefi-Nooraie R; Mohile S. “The role of social networks in prognostic understanding of older adults with advanced cancer.” Patient Educ Couns. 2023; 106:135-141.

Zhang C; Fiscella KA; Przybylek S; Chang W; Liu Y. “Telemedicine experience for PrEP care among PrEP-eligible women and their primary care providers during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. “Trop Med Infect Dis. 2022;7(10):280.


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