Faculty Publications
Here is a sample of recent publications from members of the University of Rochester Department of Family Medicine:
Fiscella K, Epstein RM. “Why the United States needs a multifaceted definition of health.” Health affairs scholar 1 (4), qxad048 | 2023
HA Russell, M Sanders, A Nofziger, C Fogarty, S McDaniel, T Rosenberg, K Fiscella, E Naumburg. Addressing Sexual Harassment and Gender Bias: Mandatory Modules Are Not Enough. Fam Med. 2023;55(4):253-258. DOI: 10.22454/FamMed.2023.488622.
Russell HA. “Is It Time to Say Goodbye to BMI? A Commentary.” Family & Community Health; 47(1):16-19 | January/March 2024.
Adler D, Bonham A, Chamberlin S, Fiscella K, Mustian K, Park CS. “A scalable approach to determine cervical cancer screening needs among emergency department patients in the United States.” Preventive Medicine Reports 33, 102221 | 2023
Akash P, Bhargava R, Roman G. “Exploring the impact of mindfulness-based training on the well-being of physical therapists.” Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. | 2023. https://doi.org/10.1017/cts.2023.666
Bautista TG , Roman G , Khan M, Lee, M, Sahbaz S, Knippenburg A, Lunthita M, Davidson A, Scaramutti C, Gabrilove J, Pusek S, Mehta D, Bredella M. “What is Well-Being? A Scoping Review of the Conceptual and Operational Definitions of Well-Being.” Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. | November 2023. https://doi.org/10.1017/cts.2023.648
Campbell, TM., Campbell, EK, Attia, J, Ventura, K, Mathew, T, Chhabra, KH, Blanchard, LM, Wixom, N, Faniyan, TS, Peterson, DR, Harrington, DK, Wittlin, SD. "The Acute Effects of a DASH diet and Whole Food, Plant-Based diet on Insulin Requirements and Related Cardiometabolic Markers in Individuals with Insulin-Treated Type 2 Diabetes." Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice: 110814. |August, 2023.
Coker TR, Liljenquist K, Lowry SJ, Fiscella K, Weaver MR, Ortiz J. “Community Health Workers in Early Childhood Well-Child Care for Medicaid-Insured Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” JAMA 329 (20), 1757-1767 | 2023
Derricks V, Gainsburg I, Shields C, Fiscella K, Epstein R, Yu V, Griggs JJ. “Examining the effects of physician burnout on pain management for patients with advanced lung cancer.” Support Cure Cancer | July 2023
Epstein RM. Prefacio, in Krogh, E. “Medicina Resiliente: Mindfulness y Compasión en la Práctica Clínica”. Valdivia, Chile: Ediciones Universidad Austral de Chile. |2023
Epstein RM, Beach MC. “I don’t need your pills, I need your attention: Steps toward deep listening in medical encounters.” Current Opinion in Psychology | 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2023.101685
Fiscella K, Epstein RM. “The profound implications of the meaning of health for health care and health equity.” The Milbank Quarterly | June 21 2023. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37343061/
Fiscella KA, Sass E, Sridhar SB, Maguire JA, Lashway K, Wong G. “Team-based home blood pressure monitoring for blood pressure equity a protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial.” Contemporary clinical trials 134, 107332 |2023
Fiscella K. “RE: Restoring humanity to health and health to humanity.” Annals of Family Medicine | July 2023
Fogarty C, Fiscella K, McDaniel S, Russell H, Sanders M. “Sexual Harassment: Experiences and Intervention in One Department of Family Medicine.” The Annals of Family Medicine 21 (Supplement 3) |2023
George LS, Epstein RM, Akincigil A, Saraiya B, Trevino KM, Kuziemski A, Pushparaj L, Policano E, Prigerson HG, Godwin K, Duberstein P. “Psychological determinants of physician variation in end-of-life treatment intensity: A systematic review and meta-synthesis.” J Gen Intern Med | Feb 2, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-022-08011-4
Haut K, Epstein RM. “Validating a virtual human and automated feedback system for training doctor-patient communication skills” | 2023 https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2306.15213
Jenkins AM, Bayer ND, Yousefi Nooraie R, Fiscella K. “Putting the Mix in Mixed Methods Research” Hospital Pediatrics, e2022007110 |2023
Kazi BS, Duberstein PR, Kluger BM, Epstein RM, Fiscella KA, Kazi ZS. “Prevalence and correlates of preference-concordant care among hospitalized people receiving maintenance dialysis.”Kidney360 4 (6), e751-e758 | 2023
Krogh E, Epstein R, Langer ÁI, Steinebach C. "Clinical resilience: toward a unified definition." International journal for quality in health care: Journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care |May 2023. PMID: 37130072 doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzad025
Reichelt M, Cullen JP, Mayer-Fried S, Russell HA, Bennett NM and Yousefi-Nooraie R. “Addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in rural communities: A case study in engaging trusted
messengers to pivot and plan.” Front. Public Health 11:1059067. | (2023) doi:10.3389/fpubh.2023.1059067
Roman G, Yousefi-Nooraie R, Vermilion P, Cupertino A, Barnett S, Epstein R. “Mindful practice with medical interpreters.” Frontiers in Psychology. | 2023. DOI:14:1171993
Roman G, Yousefi-Nooraie R, Vermilion P, Cupertino A, Barnett S, Epstein R. “Mindful practice with medical interpreters.” Frontiers in Psychology. | October 2023. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1171993
Roman G, Samar V, Ossip D, McKee M, Barnett S, Yousefi-Nooraie R. “Experiences of sign language interpreters and perspectives of interpreting administrators during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative description.” Public Health Reports. | May 2023. https://doi.org/10.1177/00333549231173941
Saeed F, Dahl S, Horowitz RK, Duberstein PR, Epstein RM, Fiscella KA. “Development and Acceptability of a Kidney Therapy Decision Aid for Patients Aged 75 Years and Older: A Design-Based Research Involving Patients, Caregivers, and a Kidney.” Medicine International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (14), 6407 |2023
Saeed F, Eneanya A, Allen RJ, Tamura MK, Fiscella KA. “Addressing Racial Injustice, Developing Cultural Humility, and Fostering Rapport-Building Communication Skills to Improve Disparities in End-of-Life Planning.” Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. | 2023
Salaguinto T, Guzman Y, Lowry SJ, Liljenquist K, LaFontaine R, Ortiz JE, Fiscella K. “Can a Clinic-Based Community Health Worker Intervention Buffer the Negative Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health and Well-Being of Low-Income Families during Early Childhood.” Supportive Care in Cancer 31 (8), 469 |2023
Sanders M, Tobin JN, Cassells A, Carroll J, Holder T, Thomas M, Fiscella K. “Physical and psychosocial impact on peers with HIV co-leading an HIV intervention: A pilot theory-guided case-study” PEC innovation 2, 100139 |2023
Sanders M, Hunter J, Fiscella K, Mohamed Y, Fogarty C. “Examining opioid dose reductions by sex and race in a cohort of patients in a Family Medicine training practice” Annals of Family Medicine | November 2023
Sufrin C, Kramer C, Terplan M, Fiscella K, Olson S, Voegtline K, Latkin C. “Availability of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in US Jails.” Journal of general internal medicine 38 (6), 1573-1575 | 2023
Thirukumaran CP, Fiscella KA, Rosenthal MB, Doshi JA, Schloemann DT, Fiscella K.
“Association of race and ethnicity with opioid prescribing for Medicare beneficiaries following total joint replacements.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. |2023
Xiao J, Kopycka-Kedzierawski D, Ragusa P, Chagoya LAM, Fiscella K. “Acceptance and Usability of an Innovative Dentistry Hygiene Model Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Within the US National Dental Practice-Based Research Network: Mixed Methods Study.” JMIR Human Factors 10 (1), e45418 | August 2023
Yousefi Nooraie R, Dadgostar P, Roman G, Cullen J, Bennett NM. “Mapping the distribution of health equity research and practice across a university: A network analysis.” Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. | May 2023. https://doi.org/10.1017/cts.2023.555
Zhang L, Manning S, Wu TT, Zeng Y, Lee A, Wu Y, Paster BJ, Chen G, Fiscella K. “Impact of Nystatin Oral Rinse on Salivary and Supragingival Microbial Community among Adults with Oral Candidiasis.” Microorganisms 11 (6), 1497 | 2023
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