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Highland Hospital / Facilities / Blog / October 2021

Saturday Work 10/30

The City of Rochester Fire Department Tower Crane rescue training team will be on site again from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday 10/30. Construction crews will potentially be on site as well to continue some demolition on the current south addition from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. but this activity is weather dependent. Both the rescue training and the potential demolition will include typical levels of construction noise.

Roof Work to Restart Monday

Work on the South Building roof that started earlier this summer will restart on Monday. Workers with flaggers will be onsite from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. This work is expected to take roughly one week, weather permitting. Typical levels of construction noise are anticipated with these activities.

Crews will be using the same method as last time:

  • The crane will be located in the Mt. Vernon cut-out.
  • The west sidewalk and one lane of Mt. Vernon will be closed when the small crane is in use.
  • Flaggers will be on hand to direct traffic when the crane is in use.
  • Signage will indicate the sidewalk closure.

Saturday Work 10/23

Fire Department Crews from the City of Rochester will be onsite on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to noon practicing Tower Crane rescue operations. Noise should be typical construction level noise and emergency vehicles will be onsite for this exercise.

During the week, crews will be installing the south elevation retaining wall/new exit corridor foundation wall. Excavation and grading work will also be happening during these activities.

Saturday Work 10/16

Crews will be onsite Saturday 10/16 putting in potential back fill and grading the site from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

During the week, crews will be working on the south elevation retaining wall and new exit corridor foundation wall. Excavation and grading work will accompany the deep foundation installations.

Construction of the ramped section of the South Access Drive to connect to Mt. Vernon is anticipated to start mid-November. Fill material will be placed in “lifts” and compacted until the final grade height is reached.

No Work Saturday and Friday Parking in Mt. Vernon Cut Out

On Friday 10/7, contractors will be removing construction materials from the building in the morning. They will be loading out through the Mt. Vernon Access and to collection containers/vehicles parked within the short term parking area on Mt. Vernon. This activity should be completed by 10 a.m.

Construction Crews will not be working onsite this weekend.

South Building roofing work has been delayed, but is anticipated to start back up in the next week or so once the roofer acquires the Mount Vernon Permit for the crane.

Deep foundation, pile cap and grade beam installation is ongoing and will continue through early October. Excavation and grading work is happening at the same time as the deep foundation installations.

Construction of the ramped section of the South Access Drive to connect to Mt. Vernon is anticipated to start mid-November.  Fill material will be placed in “lifts” and compacted until the final grade height is reached.

The Tower Crane will be in full operation erecting the super structure steel. The crane will be running a little later to make up for the loss of morning day light.

Typical levels of construction noise and vibrations are expected with all of these activities. For the deep foundation work, any possible vibrations will be monitored by a third party testing agency.