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Arefin Lab

Welcome to the Arefin Lab

The mission of 'The Arefin Laboratory' is to develop novel neuroimaging techniques and computational tools to study the changes in brain functions and microstructures in animal models of human disorders. We use multimodal MRI methodologies, including resting-state functional MRI in awake mice and rats, in-vivo and postmortem diffusion MRI, arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI, MR spectroscopy and angiography, as well as chemogenetics, optogenetics, and microscopy to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that impair plasticity in neurodegenerative and psychiatric illnesses and to trace the pathways to rescue the diseased brains that can lead to therapeutic strategies.

Tanzil M. Arefin, Ph.D.

Tanzil M. Arefin, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator

Current Projects

  • Connecting the dots between brain structure, function, and behavior in rodents
  • Rescuing the alcohol dependent brains
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Contact Us

  Arefin Lab
University of Rochester Center for Advanced Brain Imaging and Neurophysiology
430 Elmwood Ave
Room 1.A124
Rochester, NY 14642
