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Chia-Lung Wu Lab

Welcome to the Wu Lab

The primary research goals of the Wu lab are to identify the molecular mechanisms by which genetic and epigenetic regulators modulate development, homeostasis and disease progression of musculoskeletal tissues, with a particular focus on cartilage and bone. Our lab utilizes bioengineering, cellular biology, next-generation sequencing techniques and genome editing tools, complemented by animal and biomechanical models to uncover these fundamental principles. The long-term goal of our research is to apply this knowledge to improve tissue engineering outcomes, regeneration and repair for musculoskeletal disorders.

We are currently recruiting Postdoctoral Researchers and Graduate Students. Please contact Dr. Wu for more information.


Chia-Lung Wu, Ph.D.

Chia-Lung Wu, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator

Contact Us

  Chia-Lung Wu Lab
601 Elmwood Ave
Rochester, NY 14642