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Lawrence Lab

Influence of Environmental Exposures on the Development and Function of the Immune System

Our research focuses on understanding how the environment influences health and the function of the immune system. Environment includes pollutants, natural products and therapeutic agents to which we are exposed across our lifespan—singly and in combination. Our investigative efforts seek to define, at the cellular and molecular level, precisely how specific environmental exposures modify the immune system, and to leverage this information to reduce the burden of disease. We integrate many approaches, including mouse genetic and immunological tools, pharmacological and biochemical modifiers of cellular processes, gene-specific and genome-wide analyses, and state-of-the art multiple parametric flow cytometry.

Diversity and Inclusion Statement
We are dedicated to having a diverse and inclusive lab that is safe and supportive for all. We value the inclusion of ideas from those of differing identities, backgrounds, and experiences as we believe that they deserve acceptance without bias and with mutual respect. Our lab strives to cultivate an encouraging and enriching environment to help drive innovation and success. As a team, we are strongest when all members participate as equals and feel comfortable in expressing their unique ideas and experiences. We support diversity because it strengthens not only our lab but our society as a whole.

Research focuses on two broad areas of interest:


Contact Us

Lawrence Lab
601 Elmwood Ave
KMRB 3-11108
Rochester, NY 14642