Lab Members
Principal Investigator
Auditory physiology, mechanisms underlying hearing loss, and development of therapies to repair the damaged inner ear
A focus on astrocytic signaling and its impact on neural circuit dynamics and behavioral performance.
The role of the glymphatic system in the vascular and hemodynamics following ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke
The Glymphatic system in hydrocephalus; the mechanism of CSF secretion in neurological disease.
The effect of acupuncture on brain fluid transport
Postdoctoral Scholars
Postdoctoral Associate
Postdoctoral Associate
Research Staff
Research Specialist
Research Technician
Rodent Colony Manager
Administrative Assistant
Laboratory Technician
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
IT Desktop Support/Programmer
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Graduate Students
Astrocytic roles in the brain
Immunoprofiling using mass cytometry following peripheral insult
Circadian control of brain blood barrier permeability in homeostatic and pathological states.