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I experience hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and pain on intercourse. My care provider suggested HRT to treat these symptoms. I have a family history of blood clots. Is this treatment appropriate?

Your Menopause Question: I don’t understand risk assessment in medical care. I am 55 years old and three years into menopause. I experience hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and pain on intercourse. My care provider suggested hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat these symptoms. However, she recalled that in 2002, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) reported that of 10,000 women-years, HRT produced 18 more women with blood clots, eight more with stroke, and seven more with heart attacks than those not on HRT. I have a family history of blood clots. Is this treatment appropriate for me?

My cardiologist told me that because of the results from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), hormone therapy in menopause may be a cardiovascular concern. Was he correct?

Your Menopause Question: My cardiologist told me that because of the results from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), hormone therapy in menopause may be a cardiovascular concern. Was he correct?

I am on a twice-weekly estradiol patch along with oral progesterone nightly. My friend says that estrogen is dangerous in menopause. What can I say to my friend?

Your Menopause Question: I am on a twice-weekly estradiol patch along with oral progesterone nightly. My friend says that estrogen is dangerous in menopause. What can I say to my friend?

An Update on Timing of Hormone Replacement Therapy

An Update on Timing of Hormone Replacement Therapy: We Have Had So Many Requests for Information on Hormone Replacement Therapy that We Felt It Necessary to Update This Topic.

My doctor tells me that according to the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), estrogen has been shown to cause breast cancer and that I should avoid it in menopause. Yet, now this concept is being challen

Your Menopause Question: My doctor tells me that according to the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), estrogen has been shown to cause breast cancer and that I should avoid it in menopause. Yet, now this concept is being challenged. Please explain.

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