But Craving is More Complicated Than Simply a Response to Stress
Ever wonder why the urge for an alcohol drink is more intense late in the afternoon or early evening?
I am 52 years old and one year into menopause. Why is my body changing, and what happened to my energy?
Your Menopause Question: I am 52 years old and one year into menopause. Why is my body changing, and what happened to my energy?
I have been a care provider for many years, but I find moments when my patients are angry at me, even though I may not have done anything to justify their reaction. Can you help me to understand?
Your Menopause Question: I have been a care provider for many years, but I find moments when my patients are angry at me, even though I may not have done anything to justify their reaction. Can you help me to understand clinical anger?
I've been a care provider for many years, but sometimes my patients are angry at me, even though I may not have done anything to justify their reaction. Can you help me to understand clinical anger?
Your Menopause Question: I have been a care provider for many years, but I find moments when my patients are angry at me, even though I may not have done anything to justify their reaction. Can you help me to understand clinical anger?
I am 54 years old, struggling with hot flashes and mood swings. But when I ask for help from my care providers, I am told “Live with it. You are just getting older.” Please advise.
Your Question: I am 54 years old, struggling with hot flashes and mood swings. But when I ask for help from my care providers, I am told “Live with it. You are just getting older.” Please advise.