Fellowship Research
Fellowship Research
Recent Graduates
Emily Knight, M.D., Ph.D.
Research Project
- Electrophysiologic investigation of sensory perception mechanisms among children on the autism spectrum.
Research Mentor: Susan Hyman, MD
Committee Members: John Foxe, PhD, Ed Freedman, PhD, Steve Sulkes, M.D. (ad hoc)
Jenniffer Herrera, M.D.
Research Project
- Does Hispanic ethnicity influence utilization of Early Intervention services, age at diagnosis, and symptom severity for children being evaluated for autism spectrum disorders in early childhood?
Research Mentor: Susan L. Hyman, M.D.
Committee Members: Jessica Roesser, M.D., Amina Alio, Ph.D., Steve Sulkes, M.D. (ad hoc)
Robert Nutt, M.D.
Research Project
- Parental decision-making following diagnosis of hearing loss in infants through the Universal Newborn Screening Program: state and community resources and external influences.
Research Mentors: Susan L. Hyman, M.D., James Dolan, M.D., M.P.H.
Committee Members: Mark Orlando, Ph.D., M.S., Peter Veazie, Ph.D., Stephen B. Sulkes, M.D. (ad hoc)
Abigail Kroening, M.D.
Research Projects
- Developmental screening for refugee populations
Research Mentors: Susan L. Hyman, M.D., Moira A. Szilagyi, M.D., Ph.D., Tristram H. Smith, Ph.D., Stephen B. Sulkes, M.D. (ad hoc) - Autism/developmental disorders in the foster care population
Research Mentors: Susan L. Hyman, M.D., Moira A. Szilagyi, M.D., Ph.D., Tristram H. Smith, Ph.D., Stephen B. Sulkes, M.D. (ad hoc) - Medical education surrounding developmental disabilities (for trainees and, perhaps, general pediatricians)
Research Mentors: Susan L. Hyman, M.D., Moira A. Szilagyi, M.D., Ph.D., Tristram H. Smith, Ph.D., Stephen B. Sulkes, M.D. (ad hoc)
Stephanie Straka, D.O.
Research Project
- Nutrition and Autism
Research Mentors: Susan L. Hyman, M.D., Patricia Ann Stewart, Ph.D., Stephen Cook M.D., Stephen B. Sulkes, M.D. (ad hoc)
Jara Johnson, D.O., M.P.H.
Research Project
- Autism Spectrum Disorders, Months of Conception, and Stratification Amongst Specific Phenotypes of Autism
Research Mentors: Susan L. Hyman, M.D., Edwin VanWijngaarden, Ph.D., C Andrew Aligne, M.D., M.P.H., Scott Richard Smith, M.D., M.P.H.
- Hyman SL, Johnson JK. Autism and pediatric practice:toward a medical home J Autism Dev Disord. 2012 Jun;42(6):1156-64.
Kimberly A. Johnson, M.D.
Research Project
- Effects of iron depletion and supplementation on the behavior of children with autism spectrum disorders
Research Mentors: Tristram H. Smith, Ph.D., Susan L. Hyman, M.D., Jill S. Halterman, M.D., M.P.H., Stephen B. Sulkes, M.D. (ad hoc)
Jessica L. Reiffer, M.D.
Research Project
- Autism and genetics research
Research Mentors: Susan L. Hyman, M.D., Chin-To Fong, M.D., Jennifer M. Kwon, M.D., M.P.H., Stephen B. Sulkes, M.D. (ad hoc)