Allergy / Immunology Research News
Grant from NIAID to study OOM's farming lifestyle and its correlation with lower rates of allergic disease.
Apr. 19, 2023 - Nothing to Sneeze at: Study Seeks to Understand Allergic Resistance of Old Order Mennonites. With a $7 million grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), pediatric researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) will study the farming lifestyle of the Old Order Mennonite population and its correlation with lower rates of allergic disease.
New Study Finds Evidence of COVID Antibodies in Breast Milk of Vaccinated Mothers
November 10, 2021 - Immunity from both prior infection and vaccination produces antibody response in breast milk. A study published in JAMA Pediatrics has found evidence that mothers with two types of immunity from COVID – disease-acquired (those who have contracted COVID and recovered) and mRNA vaccination-acquired – produced breast milk with active SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.
Vaccinated Mothers Are Trying to Give Babies Antibodies Via Breast Milk
April 8, 2021 - The New York Times - Research is too premature for vaccinated mothers who are breastfeeding to act as if their babies can’t get infected, says Kirsi Jarvinen-Seppo, the chief of pediatric allergy and immunology and the Founders’ Distinguished Chair in Pediatric Allergy. “There is no direct evidence that the COVID antibodies in breast milk are protecting the infant—only pieces of evidence suggesting that could be the case.”
Joint Research Project Update: New Findings for Women with COVID-19 Who Are Breastfeeding.
February 10, 2021 - URMC researchers joined with other hospitals to study lactating mothers throughout the first 20 days of a positive diagnosis and found the virus was not present in milk. Read more: URMC research sheds light on breastfeeding while COVID-positive
Joint Research Project to Study Evidence of Transmission and Antibodies in Breast Milk of COVID-19 Positive Mothers
June 8, 2020 - A collaborative project between researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC), New York University (NYU) and University of Idaho will examine whether mothers can transmit COVID-19 through breast milk, and whether the breast milk itself has immunological properties against the disease.
Development of Mucosal and Systemic Immunity and Risk of Food Allergy
Nov. 2017 - The “Development of Mucosal and Systemic Immunity and Risk of Food Allergy” is a cohort study assessing the development of microbiome, infant immune system and allergic diseases in the first 2 years of life. The study includes infants born to families with a parent(s) or older sibling(s) with allergic diseases, especially food allergy, and infants born in the Old Order Mennonite community in Yates County, Finger Lakes region, who have a low risk of developing allergic diseases.
- URMC Researcher Asks: Why Don't Mennonites Get Allergies?
- Could Old Order Mennonites Hold the Key to Understanding Food Allergies?
Järvinen-Seppo Leads Two New Studies Exploring the Immune System and Breast Milk in Protection from Allergies and Key Diarrheal and Respiratory Diseases.
Nov 14, 2017 - The University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) is embarking on a $2.4 million study focused on a population that is virtually immune to food allergies: the Old Order Mennonite Community.
The Microbiome
Researchers say understanding the microbiome better could transform how we treat a number of diseases. Listen to our discussion about how the bacteria in our bodies help us digest food, fight off infection, and affect our mood.