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Department of Pediatrics / Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship / Curriculum / Conferences and Educational Activities

Conferences and Educational Activities

PHM ConferenceDepartment Conferences & Meetings

The Department of Pediatrics hosts a variety of conferences and meetings that enhance clinical and research training, meet ABP and ACGME requirements, and give our fellows an opportunity to interact with well-established clinicians and researchers, both internal and external to URMC.

Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellows’ Conference

Fellows and faculty participate in this bi-weekly mix of interactive didactic session based on content specifications for the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Boards and journal club evaluating relevant literature. The program director determines the schedule and assigns fellows to lead the majority of discussions. All fellows should complete expected readings prior to the conference to allow for discussion and problem-solving.

General Pediatrics Fellows’ Seminar

This seminar integrates principles of research design and methods, educational methods and scholarship, and academic career development for medical and allied health professionals pursuing academic careers focused on children, youth, and families.

Pediatric Hospital Medicine CME Sessions

Hospital Medicine faculty participate in monthly CME sessions, often involving speakers from outside of our division addressing topics identified by our faculty and fellows.

Resident Morbidity & Mortality (M&M) Conference

As part of a noon conference series led by senior residents, fellows will have the opportunity to attend monthly Morbidity and Mortality Conference. These sessions serve as a forum for discussing challenging cases with faculty facilitation. These sessions are focused on ways to identify system issues and promote resilience.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Modules

The Open School’s Basic Certificate in Quality and Safety comprises 13 essential courses which fellows complete within the two years of training.

CTSI Research Education Hub on Blackboard

Asynchronous learning
Learning modules intended to provide fellows with training across the entire translational research spectrum. Key elements include research methods, biostatistics, and epidemiology. Fellows also have access to the CTSI Research Helpdesk and are able to attend CTSI Seminar Series and Public Health Grounds.

Pediatric Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting

Our fellows have the opportunity to attend the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, the premier educational conference for pediatric hospitalists. Fellow research is prepared for abstract submission and presentation at this meeting.