Occupational Therapy (OT)
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What is Occupational Therapy (OT)?
UR Medicine's Approach
UR Medicine's Occupational Therapy program offers three kinds of OT:
Outpatient occupational therapy provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment to address deficits which affect a person’s everyday function related to things like vision, cognition, motor planning, strength, range of motion of the upper extremity, perception, sensation, and dexterity.
Inpatient occupational therapy in the hospital setting helps patients regain independence, with functional tasks to safely transition to the next level of care. This therapy would be provided on the inpatient acute care units or as part of the inpatient rehabilitation program.
Pediatric occupational therapy helps children gain independence while also strengthening the development of necessary skills for them to play, engage in education, complete self-care, and socialize.
What Sets Us Apart?
Our dozens of occupational therapists cover a full range of specialties, so patients get care from practitioners with expertise in their particular circumstances.
Through evidence based practice, education, problem solving and encouragement, we achieve reliable results and greater satisfaction for everyone.
Our therapists will design a treatment program that addresses your exact needs. The program will be individualized with specific and attainable goals intended to improve functional performance.
Our Providers
- Simon Carson, OT/L, MBA
Chief of Occupational Therapy - Bridgid Aini, OTR/L,
Inpatient Spinal Cord Coordinator - Machala Andrews, MS, OTR/L
- Michelle Baker, MMM, MS, ORT/L,
Senior Acute Therapist - Jessica Bauer, OTR/L
- Nicole Bilello, MS, OTR/L
- Brooke Bower, COTA
- Sarah Byrne, MS, OTR/L
Senior Inpatient Rehab Therapist - Ebonee Cole, MS, OTD, OTR/K, CBIS
Inpatient Brain Injury Coordinator - Rachel Czolgosz, MS, OTR/L
- Julie Dana, CTRS
- Emily Dimon, MS, OTR/L
- Nancy Dukelow, MS, OTR/L
- Dana Emery, OTD, OTR/L
- Anjelica Fortunato, MS, OTR/L
- Angelika Garrabrant, MS, OTR/L
- Kimiko Gilbert, MS, OTR/L
- Colleen Gillow, MS, OTR/L
- Kirsten Haggerty, CTRS
- Victoria Hartman, MS, OTR/L
- Norah Hegarty, MS, OTR/L
- Jill Hilderbrant
- Miranda Hughes, MS, OTR/L
- Amanda Howe, MS, OTR/L
- Caitlin Kloss, MS, OTR/L
Senior Acute Care Therapist - Laura Koegst, MSOT, OTR/L, NTMTC, CNT, C-ELBW, Senior Pediatric Therapist
- Leah Kramer, MS, OTR/L
- Julie Kunisch, OTD, OTR/L
- Michaela McDaniels, MS, OTR/L
- Kelsey Juskiewicz, MS, OTR/L
- Hannah Peck, MS, OTR/L
- Holly Podniesinski, OTR/L
Inpatient Critical Care Coordinator - Lisa Restivo, OTR/L
- Kristen Scheuer, MS, ORT/L
- Katie Schweitzer, MOT, OTR/L
- Kelly Smith-Jagla, COTA
- Erin St. George, MS, OTR/L
Senior Acute Care Therapist - Devin Stoklosa, MS, OTR/L
- Emily Surprenant, MS, OTR/L
- Renee Vito, MS, OTR/L
- Amy Wagner, MS, OTR/L
- Jordan Wigg, MS, OTD, OTR/L
Inpatient Student Program Coordinator - Monica Zaso, MS, OTR/L
View All LocationsWe serve you in the Rochester metropolitan area and surrounding region.
View All Locations4 locations
Strong Memorial Hospital
601 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14642
Clinton Crossings, Building D
4901 Lac De Ville Boulevard, Building D, Suite 250
Rochester, NY 14618
Patient Education & Support
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- Outpatient Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Inpatient Occupational Therapy (OT)
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