Specific Instrumentation/Equipment
Specific Instrumentation/Equipment
Transmission Electron Microscope Hitachi 7650 with EDS (IF Instruments) and STEM (scanning/transmission unit for darkfield EM)
Gatan Elsa 698 Cryo Arm for Transmission Electron Microscope FEI Talos 120C
Scanning Electron Microscope Zeiss Supra 40VP Field Emission available for use by EM Core staff via the Department of Optics, River Campus
- Ultramicrotomes (2) Leica UC-7 & RMC Powertome XL for sectioning epoxy embedded tissue blocks
- Critical Point Dryer, Tousimis 931 Series, CPD used for specimen drying process prior to SEM examination
- Glow Discharge Cleaning System, PELCO easiGlow 91000
- Plunge Freezer, Leica EMGP2
- Light Microscope, Olympus BX-40, Double Headed
- Stereo Microscopes, Olympus SZ61 and Bausch & Lomb
- Diamond knives (5), Diatome, for thin-sectioning epoxy blocks