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Education and Training

The field of bioinformatics is moving fast and it is a hard field to break into. The command line interface might be intimidating and working in R might feel like learning a whole new language. We are working on developing educational resources and materials that ease the learning curve and help you get started generating figures in R and exploring your data in new ways. 


The Center for Integrated Research Computing (CIRC) hosts very helpful events in terms of workshops and bootcamps throughout the year. We highly recommend those resources for anyone new to the computing infrastructure at the University. 

Getting ready to design your first RNA-Seq experiment? Check out the RNA-seqlopedia which covers a variety of topics ranging from experimental design to analysis considerations. 

The Integrative Genome Viewer (IGV) is a great tool that enables the visualization of whole genome data sets in a variety of formats that the we deliver as part of our preliminary analysis including: BAM, bigwig, narrowPeak, broadPeak or bed. 

For downstream analysis of all preliminary data we recommend working within R/Rstudio to filter differentially expressed gene sets, make figures, and perform additional enrichment analyses. If you need help getting started with R please check out our Education and Training website for more details. 

Our result deliveries often contain a wide variety of file formats (FASTQ, BAM/BAI, BED, BW). The format dictates what software you can use to interact with the data contained with the files. This resource goes over some of the most common formats, detailing what they contain.